Regulatory and Legal Regulation of the Development of the Family Institute in Ukraine

  • Svetlana Sitnik PhD in Public Administration, student of the magistracy of the faculty of public administration and administration of the D-28 group, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
Keywords: family institution, state regulation, development environment, deputy politics, legal provision of family policy, legal regulation, social protection of the families, social group, family legislation.


The analysis of the speci cs of the legal regulation of the development of the family institute in Ukraine was revealed, the absence of an integrated legal framework for the state family policy in
particular, the legal status of the family institution, characteristics of its position in society as a social institution. The basic problems of the functioning of the family institute and the state of affairs in this process are determined. The legal principles and problems of social protection of families, tendencies of improvement of the system of state regulation of the development of the social institution of the family are revealed. The attention is focused on the need to improve the system of state regulation of the development of the family institution, which implies the need to optimize its legal mechanism by implementing at the legislative level a clear de nition of the tasks and functions of regulatory authorities at all levels, including the specially authorized executive body on family policy issues and its territorial divisions the implementation of its reorganization and the provision of development of local service providers, the introduction of effective coordinating tools for implementing family policy at all levels of a government and improving all mechanisms for interaction between public administration and civil society institutions. It is determined that the state policy on the institution of the family, which is being implemented in Ukraine, has rather comprehensive legal framework, it is also made clear that the current legislation does not always correspond to the reality and needs of the modern family, which places the necessity of it in one of the priority places for further adjustments and improvements.


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How to Cite
Sitnik , S. (2019). Regulatory and Legal Regulation of the Development of the Family Institute in Ukraine. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(55), 198-205.