State-Building Processes Democratization in Ukraine: Analysis of the Pre-Election Programs of Candidates For the Post of President of Ukraine

  • Marharyta Pilhun post-graduate student of the Chair of Regional Development and Local Self-Government, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv
Keywords: democratization, state-building processes, pre-election program, impeachment, decentralization.


The new stage of state-building in Ukraine began on December 31, 2018, after the Central Election Commission announced the start of the electoral process for the post of President of Ukraine. This year’s election campaign was marked not only by the largest number of presidential candidates (39 people) in the history of independent Ukraine, nor even by what, in our opinion, did
the majority of candidates represent in their person a protest electorate. And the main thing is that in 2014, Ukrainians made the right choice in favor of one and only tour of the presidential race. This is explained by the fact that in the conditions of military aggression on the part of the neighboring state, it was necessary to stabilize the state of the economy, invent the resources of the country for the restoration of the army, and most importantly - to become the path of further democratization of state-building processes. This, in turn, led to the fact that in 2019 we have so many presidential candidates who built their programs on the basis of the achievements, positive or negative, of the current head of state. The most important thing is to examine how individual blocks of election programs are aimed at increasing the level of democracy in the development of the system of public administration. It connects with the thesis that in the scholarly works of researchers, for the most part, the question of the in uence of the subjects of the political process on the state of development of the country as a whole and the democratization of state-building processes in particular, were studied by post factum. Summing up, we will conclude that in the political programs of the candidates for the post of President of Ukraine, chosen by us for analysis, there are provisions on the deepening of state-building processes in our state.


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How to Cite
Pilhun , M. (2019). State-Building Processes Democratization in Ukraine: Analysis of the Pre-Election Programs of Candidates For the Post of President of Ukraine . Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(55), 142-149.
Political and Legal Basis for Public Administration