The Right of the Right as the Fundamental Principle of Public Administration

  • Yuriy Dreval Professor, Professor of the Department of Labor Protection and Technogenic and Ecological Safety of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkіv
  • Andriy Kuznetsov PhD in Public Administration, Associate professor, Head of the coordination Department of scientific work and doctoral studies of the KRI NAPA, Kharkіv
Keywords: law, rule of law, principle, rule of law, rule of law


The article analyzes the question of the importance of the rule of law principle in state power relations. In addition, the provision that the rule of law is a decisive feature of the modern social
and legal state is justi ed. It has been found out that this principle is of fundamental importance both for the activities of public authorities and the relevant  eld of scienti c research. Moreover, the
magnitude and peculiarities of the application of the rule of law principle must depend on the scope of the particular study. This principle should be applied as fully as possible in those studies aimed
at revealing the applied aspects of the organizational and legal mechanism and the peculiarities of justice at all stages of the development of public relations. It is argued that the Principle of Rule of Law is a de ning feature of the modern social and legal state, in which not only proclaimed, but also the rights and freedoms of the person are guaranteed as the highest social value. The effectiveness of such a principle requires not only proper enforcement, but also the entire complex of state power and management measures. The  rst is the achievement of such a state of social relations, in which there is respect for human rights and freedoms, as well as intolerance to any manifestations of xenophobia and human dignity. Under such conditions, it is possible to form a level of general and legal culture that will enable citizens to become effective actors in state power and legal relations. Special attention should be paid to active participation of citizens in public affairs, as well as public control over the actions of the authorities. Therefore, proper conditions must be formed in order for the legitimacy and the rule of law to prevail in the country. The implementation of the rule of law principle is connected with ensuring the rule of law, unied for the authorities of all levels, political and public organizations, of cials and individual citizens. The existence of citizens in such a country is based not on the simple guardianship of the state, but on the protection of the law, when the state does not impose the rights and obligations of a citizen, and the citizen adheres to the rules established by the state because they correspond to his personal interests. The peculiarities of applying the principle of the rule of law in the science of state administration should, as a matter of priority, depend on the scope of the particular scienti c research. Naturally, this principle should be used as fully as possible in those studies aimed at disclosing the organizational and legal mechanism and the state of legal consciousness at all stages of the development of Ukrainian statehood.


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How to Cite
Dreval , Y., & Kuznetsov, A. (2019). The Right of the Right as the Fundamental Principle of Public Administration . Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(55), 126-133.
Political and Legal Basis for Public Administration