Providing the Military Forces with Human Resources by Means Of Creation and Development of the Social Institution of Military Instructors as a Element of the Mechanism of Public Administration

  • Mykhailo Medvid Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher, Deputy Head of Training and Methods Centre, Head of Methods Department, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
  • Mykola Zvieriev Project Manager of the Kyiv City Business Center Communal Enterprise, executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration)
Keywords: providing the military forces with, human resources, military competencies, mechanisms of state administration


In Ukraine, there are no adequate conditions for social protection of combatants, which contributes to the increase of social tension in society. As a result, new variants of mechanisms of
social protection of people with the formed military competencies appear that can function without the participation of state institutions. Elements of social protection of people with the formed military
competence include adaptation to civil life, which involves training, retraining, and advanced training in civilian specialties. For the state, this option is not effective in the face of rising unemployment. In
the described conditions, it is important to determine the mechanisms of state management of human resources with the established military competencies.



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How to Cite
Medvid, M., & Zvieriev, M. (2019). Providing the Military Forces with Human Resources by Means Of Creation and Development of the Social Institution of Military Instructors as a Element of the Mechanism of Public Administration . Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(55), 48-55.