Development of Innovation Management in the Enterprise Management System

  • Veronika, Mykyta Kovalchuk, Khyzniak Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Head of the Management and Social-Humanitarian disciplines Department, Kharkiv educational and scientific Institute of the state higher education institution "Banking University", Kharkiv
  • Mykyta Khyzniak students Kharkiv educational and scientific Institute of the state higher education institution "Banking University", Kharkiv
Keywords: innovation management, innovation process, enterprises, management system, organizational changes


 Today most Ukrainian enterprises have realized that it is necessary to implement innovative, fundamentally new methods of personnel management and organization as a whole. It updates research on innovation management issues in the enterprise management system and identi es ways to improve the organizational structure of management. Researches show that innovative management should be viewed from the point of view of the system approach as hierarchical, complex, multicomponent, open, adaptive (capable of self-organization, self-regulation, self-development), dynamic system of probabilistic nature. The analysis of the innovation management structure leads to the conclusion that innovative management in its general form is a complex mechanism of action of the management system, which creates favorable conditions and opportunities for the innovation process and innovative activity for the development and achievement of an effective result. The article analyzes the functions that re ect the content of innovation activity, describes the subject areas of management activity. It has been established that innovative management as an innovation management apparatus involves the creation of a certain hierarchical organizational structure. It consists of specialized units of management, managers of different levels, who are empowered to accept and implement relevant management decisions and are responsible for their results.
It is proved that in modern conditions innovation activity is necessary which aims at organizational changes. It is the most important tool that allows the company to respond quickly to the threats and
opportunities of the internal and external environment. First of all the main improvement ways of the enterprise management system are proposed it has the properties of  exibility, stability and mobility and allows to increase the level of domestic enterprises survival and to strengthen their competitive status on the international market. The offered proposals will promote the introduction of innovative growth models of the economy, when creating scienti c knowledge, new intellectual products is crucial.


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Glossary of General Business Continuity Management Terms / The Business Continuity Institute. URL:

How to Cite
Kovalchuk, Khyzniak, V. M., & Khyzniak, M. (2019). Development of Innovation Management in the Enterprise Management System . Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(55), 41-47.