Lukashov O.O. Foreign experience of designing effective governmental regulation of the strategic regional development: combining theory and practice

  • Nataliia Gryshyna
Keywords: strategic development, coordination, state expenditures, multilevel governance, decentralization of in uence, public administration


The paper summarizes foreign experience of designing more effective and  exible mechanisms of governmental regulation of a regional strategic development through a critical re ection of modern
existing theory and practice-based conclusions. Relying on this, author’s generalization of managerial “traps” and potential solutions and mechanisms with the optimal strategic development of the modern Ukrainian region are proposed.


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How to Cite
Gryshyna, N. (2019). Lukashov O.O. Foreign experience of designing effective governmental regulation of the strategic regional development: combining theory and practice. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (2(54), 120-128. Retrieved from