Keywords: brownfield; urban planning activity; monitoring in urban planning; redevelopment; renovation of industrial territory


The preconditions for the emergence of brownfields as a consequence of the change in the emphasis of the transformation of urban space in terms of changing the transport paradigm and the reorientation of post-industrial heritage are considered. The original source of the definition of the term “brownfield” and a brief historical background of the wording of the term are given. For preliminary definition of perspective brownfields of the territory of industrial enterprises it is offered to classify into groups on character of use. An example of the investment intention of the enterprise to transform brownfield and the basis according to which the investment intention arose. The types of desired investment activity in the transformation of the territory according to the investment project, which have inappropriate use in relation to the approved materials of urban planning documentation, are identified. A legal conflict was revealed when bringing the land legislation in line with the intentions of the developer. The problems of town-planning and legislative character, which the enterprise and local self-government bodies will have to face at implementation of such investment intention, are outlined. The legislation that affects the use of brownfields and regulates their activities is analyzed. The algorithm of making changes to the town - planning documentation, namely to the general plan of the city with definition of terms of performance is illustrated. It was found that with the most optimistic development of the documentation, such a procedure takes too much time. Steps and recommendations are proposed to improve the procedure for identifying brownfields and their certification, creating an appropriate strategy for brownfields in order to attract investment. It is proposed to consider the issue of amending state building codes and other legislation governing this activity.


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Author Biography

Oleksandr Dovbnia, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Рostgraduation Student of Regional Development and Local Government Department, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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How to Cite
Dovbnia, O. (2021). OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES OF BROWNFIELDS. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, 2(58). https://doi.org/10.34213/ap.20.02.13
Regional Administration and Local Government