Keywords: regional industrial cluster; regional bank; innovation and industrial development; regional economic policy; regional development bank; financial support, credit.


The effectiveness of the clustering process in the regions depends to a large extent on the ability of regional banking institutions to accumulate free funds of enterprises and the population and use them as credit resource for the purposes of their investment in economic processes and coordination of banking services development with the strategy of the regional production and economic complex, implementation of certain targeted actions during financial intermediation.

Creation of regional industrial clusters involves the functioning of a multi-purpose banking system in which big systemic and regional banks compete with each other. A competitive advantage of regional banks is their close relationships with local business, local self-government bodies, as well as their more responsible attitude to solving local problems related to providing employment for the population, effective use of economic potential of the region, a fairer redistribution of revenues, and levelling territorial inequalities on the national scale.

It is proposed to create the Cluster of machine-building of Slobozhanshchyna, the core of which should be JSC “Turboatom”. This cluster should rely on the regional banks that are to meet the variety of various needs of each of the cluster participants. A key place among such banks should be given to the Regional development bank that does not yet exist in Slobozhanshchyna, but the issue of its formation must be resolved in the nearest future. To accomplish this, in our opinion, it would be better to choose the most stable and successful commercial bank in the region that has been experienced in financial transactions with corporate clients of the region for a long time. For example, the status of a regional development bank and the relevant tasks of promoting the regional innovation and investment development could be given to JSC Bank “Grant” as the most stable and most successfully operating bank of the region.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko M. М., & Khodiakova K. S. (2021). REGIONAL BANKS AS A COMPONENT OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL CLUSTERS. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, 1((59), 95-106.
Regional Administration and Local Government