• Kud A. A. Postgraduate Student of Economic Policy and Management Department, KRI NAPA, board member of the NGO “Research Center of Economic and Legal Solutions in the Area of Application of Distributed Ledger Technologies”, Kharkiv
Keywords: decentralized information platform; digital platform; organizational model; public sector; public value; GaaP.


The paper offers a substantiation of directions and essence of building up public value by implementing decentralized information platforms within the existing GaaP model based on government centralized platforms. The paper provides a critical analysis of the most resonant and significant foreign government centralized platforms from the UK, India, Estonia, Italy and Ukraine. Their example indicates the technological way of forming new public value using three main mechanisms of adjustment of business processes. While comparing with the existing practice of using centralized platforms, the author proposes a new meaning of building up public value through the introduction of decentralized information platforms. An important conclusion has been made that despite governments being skeptical about integrating state databases with registers based on blockchain, such integration is very likely to happen in 2–3 years, which will be possible due to introduction of new web modules and recognition of trusted private registers based on blockchain.

The configuration of the existing organizational GaaP model allows creating additional public value and mobilizing state and private resources to arrange various configurations of public services. For this purpose, in each country, not only the GaaP model, but the three known mechanisms for its provision should be organized properly. In order to create a greater expected public value, public authorities need to correlate and coordinate the contributions of interested private and state entities to better meet different expectations and needs and avoid the consequences of opportunistic actions by third parties. Without the effective orchestration mechanisms, the GaaP model risks to have a significantly negative impact on society and creation of public value.

The foreign experience shows that adoption of platform organization is not an absolute condition for a greater public value yet. State governance also requires greater functionality of mechanisms for organizing business processes (orchestration, choreography and deployment of small ecosystems) in terms of provision of public value from centralized information platforms for simultaneous support of different service delivery processes to select the optimal configuration of the method of public service delivery, the benefit of which can be appreciated only by its consumers-citizens and only if there is at least one alternative.


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How to Cite
Kud A. A. (2021). FORMATION OF PUBLIC VALUE BASED ON EXISTING PLATFORM SOLUTIONS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, 1((59), 51-67.
Theory and History of Public Administration