The Basis Components of the Social Support Children in Ukraine

  • Elena Klymenko National Institute for Strategic Studies, 7-A Pyrohova Str. Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine,
Keywords: social protection benefits, subsidies, grantees, kids, family, that in difficult life situation


In the article, the peculiarities of functioning of state model of children social support have been considered through the example of the effective in the Ukraine system of programs of social family care. The author analyzes its key characteristics, highlighting their positive and negative aspects. Conceptional provisions, legal rules of social programs performance and principles of state control of their observance have been considered. To date, there has been marked progress in the sphere of social support of families with children, maternity and child welfare service. The amount of aid recipients increased, that resulted in growth of the state social expenditures. However, the problem of poverty was not solved. Moreover, the urgent need for reforming of social assistance system for the purpose of raising its efficiency and reduction of state spending appeared. Such reform was implemented when the Ukraine experienced economic recession. Economic recession became a push for conducting new wave of reform that resulted in maximum reduction of state spending on social support of children, who find themselves in difficult life situation, and on families with babies. Thus, in the Ukraine the principle that a recipients must work to get grants became the basis for existence of state model of social protection.


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Author Biography

Elena Klymenko, National Institute for Strategic Studies, 7-A Pyrohova Str. Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine,

PhD in History, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Regional Branch of the National Institute for Strategic Studies


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How to Cite
Klymenko, E. (2015). The Basis Components of the Social Support Children in Ukraine. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, methods", (1148), 151-156. Retrieved from
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