The Problem of Theorizing On / Of Sociology and Problematization of Sociological Theory
The article analyzes the problems of theorizing in modern sociology, limitations and problems that sociologists face when building a sociological theory in modern conditions. Author explores the different modes of practice and reproduction of theory in academic sociology. Problems of the status of theory in modern sociology, its academic, didactic and social representations are analyzed. It is emphasized that the service, subordinate, limited position of fundamental interpretations in the modern sociology’s structure is dangerous for the (re)production of sociology as it is. Author classifies and analyses typical practices and structures of the use and (re)production of fundamental theory in modern sociological science. A special emphasis is made on the study of the didactic aspects of theorizing both in the classroom and outside it. Here, the most important plot is the connection between university education as the production of a universal human image, on the one hand, and theoretical, generalizing, abstractive thinking – on the other. In addition, an important aspect is the problem of social and disciplinary identity of sociology, its use of conceptual, categorical and methodological arsenal in arguing its autonomy and epistemological legitimacy. The possibilities of developing the theoretical tools of sociology from the standpoint of the production of plurality as a condition of its systemic development are investigated. Ideological, educational, socialization, communicative functions of the fundamental theory are underlined. The conclusion about the possibilities and limitations of fundamental theorizing in sociology in modern social and epistemological conditions is formulated.
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