The Peculiarity of Modern Demographic Crisis in Ukraine

  • Tatiana Yakovenko V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov 61022, Ukraine,
Keywords: demoreality, depopulation, demographic crysis, demoreproduction, economic factors, social factors, development tendencies


The presented article gives the analysis of the modern demographic processes in Ukraine. The demographic situation in Ukraine is characterized as an open demographic crisis. It is proved that this situation is the result of deformations in public life, disfunction of the coordination and functioning of main components at the society. As a consequence, the whole mechanism of demographic developments damaged, the ability to reproduce itself a social organism population were loose. Aggravation of the modern demographic crisis in Ukraine it is a consequence of the crisis of the transformation of the society. In the country powerful destructive forces destroyed demographic reality. According to the analysis of the main demographic indicators (total population, the number of births, number of deaths, natural increase, and others.) the features, causes and trends of modern demographic crisis are: economic, social, sociopsychological and others. The attentions on the current and possible future socio-demographic problems in Ukraine are focused. Depopulation and deterioration of quality indicators represent the quintessence of modern demographic crisis. Demographic crisis processes in the country will certainly appear on the in the average life expectancy. The population is aging as from the «top», due to growth in the number of elderly people, and from the «bottom» - due to the lack of a simple demographic development number of children born. One of the main components of modern demographic crisis in the country is the health crisis, as the most significant component of the notion of «quality of the population.» Impressive dynamics of mobility of all generations of Ukrainians are provided. Deepening the deformation of the marriage and family, reducing the status of mothers and children as values of family life are analyzed. The turning point in the demographic situation in the country, easing the demographic crisis and its consequences possibly considered as a result of indigenous improvements in the socio-economic sphere, a political settlement, which resulted in increasing the living standards and improving the quality of people's lives. Outlines areas of presented papers concerted efforts of society and the state on the basis of evidence-based understanding of the demographic problems and the means to resolve them. It is concluded that the main purpose of socio-demographic policy in Ukraine should be overcoming the sharp divisions institutional and deformity correction of socio-economic composition of the population.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Yakovenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov 61022, Ukraine,

PhD of Sociology, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology of Management and Social Work of the Faculty of Sociology


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How to Cite
Yakovenko, T. (2015). The Peculiarity of Modern Demographic Crisis in Ukraine. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, methods", (1122), 77-83. Retrieved from
Empirical Researches of Modern Society