Linear and Cyclic Approaches in Research of Ethnonational Processes (an Example of Transcarpathian Region)

Keywords: linear and cyclic approaches, ethnonational processes, social cycles


The article examines the applicability of linear and cyclic approaches to the study of ethnic processes, methodology of usage of the cyclic approach and methods of empirical research of epochal cycles are provided. Results of application of these approaches in study of major ethnic groups of Transcarpathian region are considered; characteristics of their development at the coevolution stage of the epochal cycle are defined.


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Author Biography

Oleksandr Pelin, Uzhgorod National University, 3 Sq. Narodna, Uzhgorod, 88000, Ukraine

PhD of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences,


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How to Cite
Pelin, O. (2019). Linear and Cyclic Approaches in Research of Ethnonational Processes (an Example of Transcarpathian Region). Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, methods", (1045), 110-113. Retrieved from
Empirical Researches of Modern Society