Types of Ukrainian National Identity: Approbation of Theoretical Concept

Keywords: national identity, components of national identity, types of national identity


The article deals with the results of the approbation of theoretical concept of typology of national identities according to the two criteria: ascriptive and activity related attributes. The first group consists of sociocultural characteristics of individual, which are obtained either without any activity or attitudes, or as a result of activity, which was not aimed to achieve these characteristics (so they are epiphenomena of that activity). The other group consists of characteristics, which could be obtained only in case of conscious and purposeful individual’s activity. Thus, the following typology of national identities is suggested: 1) intense type of national identity (basing on both ascriptive and activity related attributes); 2) ascriptive type (basing on ascriptive attributes); 3) consecutive identity (basing on activity related attributes); 4) indefinite identity (basing on none of mentioned attributes). Empirical verification of offered typology is conducted on results of Ukrainian survey “Ukrainian Society – 2006".


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Author Biography

Danilo Sudyn, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 1 st. University, Lviv 79000, Ukraine

PhD of sociological sciences, assistant of the department of history and theory of sociology, dansudyn@gmail.com


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How to Cite
Sudyn, D. (2019). Types of Ukrainian National Identity: Approbation of Theoretical Concept. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, methods", (1045), 41-47. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/ssms/article/view/13822
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Sociology