Social Dimensions of Labor Migration in Ukraine

  • Victoria Chorna Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, 10, str. 68 Desantnykiv, Mykolayiv, 54003, Ukraine
Keywords: social measuring, work migration, vital problems, migration of working class, population


In the article causes and consequences of work migration of population of Ukraine are considered. These days we can find more and more people in Ukraine living their country and moving abroad for the rest of their life, for a long or for a short period of time. This way people see the only way to solve their vital problems. The increasing number of willing people to go abroad is also connected with the political situation of our country, with the political movements that try to find new support and resources with the help of mass media which previously had idealized the life abroad but now criticizes it. Also mass media does not have much information about life in the West because there are not many direct contacts with the people who live there. However, the work migration of working class often causes negative outward effects which take forms of costs that are difficult and even sometimes impossible to value in money.


Author Biography

Victoria Chorna, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, 10, str. 68 Desantnykiv, Mykolayiv, 54003, Ukraine

Lecturer in the Department of Sociology


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How to Cite
Chorna, V. (2019). Social Dimensions of Labor Migration in Ukraine. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, (1101), 151-154. Retrieved from
Empirical Researches of Modern Society