Analytical Model of Conflict and Image of Conflict – Between System and Subject
analytical model of conflict, the system, the subject, social construction of reality, language of conflict, lingua-conflictological approach
The article proposes the new variant of conflict analytical model. The necessity of considering the conflict as not only as an intersubjective interaction, but also as a system of multi-level structural communications is grounded. The role of the system and the subject in the process of social construction - namely, in the formation of images of conflict are analyzed. This proves one of the basic principles of linguaconflictological approach: a combination of the conflict definition of his interpretations as an attribute of the subject and as an attribute of the system. This allows us to consider counter processes of social construction, tailored to the conflict as a system and as a subject.
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4. Парсонс Т. Общий обзор / Т. Парсонс ; пер. с англ. Л. А. Седова, А. Д. Ковалева // Американская социология: перспективы, проблемы, методы. – М., 1972. – С. 360–378.
How to Cite
Danylenko, O. (2019). Analytical Model of Conflict and Image of Conflict – Between System and Subject. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, (1101), 30-34. Retrieved from
Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Sociology