Conspicuous Consumption in the Adolescents' Field: Connection Position and Disposition

  • Dmytro Boiko V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov 61022, Ukraine,
Keywords: conspicuous consumption, theory by P. Bourdieu, position, disposition, adolescents' field


The article investigates the phenomenon of conspicuous consumption by teenagers in the light of the theory of structural constructivism by P. Bourdieu. The unit of analysis stands for practices of conspicuous consumption taking into consideration its habitual nature. A group of teenagers was view through the concept of field. On purpose of empirical ranking and verification of hypothesis of interrelation between the position in adolescents' field and the disposition of conspicuous consumption an additional analysis of teenagers research data was carried out. Draw conclusions about the possibility of such connection, but it is statistically unreliable (due to the nature of adolescents' field and also because of unformed class system within the meaning of P. Bourdieu in modern Ukraine).


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Author Biography

Dmytro Boiko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov 61022, Ukraine,

5th year student of the Faculty of Sociology


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How to Cite
Boiko, D. (2019). Conspicuous Consumption in the Adolescents’ Field: Connection Position and Disposition. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, methods", (1122), 119-124. Retrieved from
Researches of the Problems of Youth and Education