The Foreign Students in Ukraine: Factors of Adaptation

  • Olena Bardina-Vigier V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov 61022, Ukraine,
Keywords: foreign student, sociocultural adaptation, communicative action, adaptation practices


The article considers the factors of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students to the conditions of a society. Special attention is paid to such factors as an objective the need for adaptation, the motivational component (adaptive setting), the selected adaptation strategy that is actualized in certain adaptation actions and practices. It is emphasized that the socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students occurs at certain stages, but the final result of this process, i.e. a complete state of adaptation may not be. Provided the right strategy adaptation takes on the character of communicative action, that is, becomes effective intercultural interaction between representatives of the Ukrainian society and foreign students. In addition to determining the strategic direction of the adaptation efforts of foreign students (positive, open, "penetration", "deflection" or Vice versa, negative, closed, "retreat", "fight"), it is necessary to consider the quantity and quality of the contacts with respect to their compliance with the characteristics of a communicative action - indicator and factor of social and cultural adaptation.


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Author Biography

Olena Bardina-Vigier, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov 61022, Ukraine,

PhD student


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How to Cite
Bardina-Vigier, O. (2019). The Foreign Students in Ukraine: Factors of Adaptation. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, methods", (1122), 108-112. Retrieved from
Researches of the Problems of Youth and Education