Healthy Aging and Needs of Elderly People in the Conditions of Deprivation Poverty

  • Ruslana Sopko State institution of higher education «Uzhhorod National University», 3, Narodna Sq., Uzhhorod, 88017, Ukraine,
Keywords: the population aging; the needs; the elderly people; the social assistance; family care


In the article we analyze the results of the sociological research «The implementation of the needs of the elderly. The study of the opinion of the elderly and their members of family» in the Transcarpathian region. We investigate the needs and problems in the activity of the elderly, and also pay attention to the opinion of the family members, that are taking care about them. It is indicated which public institutions and instruments are involved in providing social assistance to the older generation. We emphasize on the importance of social assistance according to the decision of family members to take care about their relatives. We characterize the notion of the derivational poverty. The specificity of the needs of the elderly people of the Transcarpathian region in terms of derivation is considered. We make the result that satisfaction and taking into account the needs of this category of the population indicates an effective social policy of the state.


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Author Biography

Ruslana Sopko, State institution of higher education «Uzhhorod National University», 3, Narodna Sq., Uzhhorod, 88017, Ukraine,

lecturer of department of sociology and social work


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How to Cite
Sopko, R. (2018). Healthy Aging and Needs of Elderly People in the Conditions of Deprivation Poverty. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, Methods, 40(-), 115-120.
Empirical Researches of Modern Society