From mathematical logic to programming languages artificial intelligence

  • Володимир Куклін V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: Theory predicates, hypergraphs AND/OR, Prolog programming


The paper considers the process of formation of the theory of expert systems on an example of formation of artificial intelligence programming language PROLOG. It showed a difficult path of awareness of artificial intelligence and the motives that led to the emergence of expert systems that are based on mathematical logic. We discuss the basic ideas and procedures that led to the construction of the first department of mathematical logic - predicates theory, representation of procedure on hypergraphs, and then to create a Prolog language. Progress has been made in the development of intelligent systems and the problems faced by researchers are discussed.


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Author Biography

Володимир Куклін, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Dr., Full Professor, head of the chair


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How to Cite
Куклін, В. (2017). From mathematical logic to programming languages artificial intelligence. Computer Science and Cybersecurity, (1), 40-52. Retrieved from