The formulation and solution of the task of the optimum reservation in the system of residual classes
Processes in specialized computer systems of the handling of the digitized data, which are representing non-positional notation in the system of residual classes (NRC), serve as the object of research. The considered capabilities of increasing the reliability of the high-performance processors, functioning on NRC's base as a result of solving the task of the optimum redundancy of their structure. In order to achieve the goal, direct and inverse tasks of the optimum reservation of the structure in NRC are formulated and solved in the article. The solution of problems of the optimum reservation is carried out by application of a method of the fastest coordinate descent, which is quite exact for carrying out engineering calculations. The results of calculations and comparative analysis of reliability (on the probability of trouble-free operation) for a three-channel majority information processing system are presented, in positional notation and for reservation of the structure in NRC are represented.
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