Forming the system estimation innovative-investment activity industrial enterprises

  • Viktoriya Chobitok Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, 16, Universitetskaya st., Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine
Keywords: innovations, investments, industrial enterprise, innovative-investment activity.


In the article the problems of innovative-investment activity are considered on domestic industrial enterprises. Intercommunication of development of the state is certain from effective work of industrial enterprises on condition of realization of effective innovative-investment activity. It is certain that the state of home economy requires updating, and structural changes of all system of economic device not only, and, foremost, conditioning for development of industrial production on innovative-investment basis. The algorithm of forming of the system of estimation of innovative-investment activity of industrial enterprises, plugging in itself the estimation of innovative and investment constituent of activity of industrial enterprise, offers an author. Forming of the system of estimation of innovative-investment activity of industrial enterprises will give an opportunity to the leaders of enterprises and investors to form effective decisions. The system of estimation of innovative-investment activity of industrial enterprises must be developed on certain methodology that will provide a testability and dirigibility of internal and external factors.


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How to Cite
Chobitok, V. (2017). Forming the system estimation innovative-investment activity industrial enterprises. Social Economics, 53(1), 135-139.