• Anastasiia Pohorelenko Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця
Keywords: Conflict, Components of Conflict, Stages of Conflict, Conflict Management, Conflict Prediction, Conflict Prevention


The active development of forms of business activity leads to the active development of relevant corporate relationships. An important component of these relationships is corporate conflicts that arise from the imperfection of the legal mechanism for securing the rights of corporate relations entities. The key to the successful activity of the corporation in the presence of the prerequisites for corporate conflict is understanding of its social, psychological and economic patterns.

It is noted that understanding of the essence of the concept of «conflict», which arise in the course of: the establishment and achievement of goals; the distribution and performance of authority and tasks; resource allocation; implementation of communications, is not the least important.

Based on the systematization of interpretations of the category «corporate conflict», local scientists concluded that the essence of corporate conflict is reduced to differences and/or disputes that arise as a result of the corporation’s activities and related to the violation of rights and business processes between participants involved at different levels of management and the activities of the corporation.

It is reported that the management of corporate conflicts is impossible without the separation and structuring of its components and the division into: those depending on ownership, management, conflicts in the corporation’s labor collective.

The common cause of conflicts is the need to share resources that are always limited and the most «acute» type of collision is considered, which can lead to serious turmoil in the activity of the enterprise ‒ industrial conflict.

Based on the analysis of the stages of the production conflict, the main stages of corporate conflict management were identified and it was concluded that an important component of corporate conflict management is the consideration of additional technologies (information, communication, social and psychological, organizational).

It is determined that a special place in the investigated process is the decision making on corporate conflict management and its prevention.


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Author Biography

Anastasiia Pohorelenko, Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця



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How to Cite
Pohorelenko, A. (2019). CORPORATE CONFLICTS: CONTENTS AND FEATURES OF RESOLUTION. Social Economics, 57(57), 39-48.