• A.V. Muzhychuk
  • N.I. Afanasyeva
  • V.V. Muzhychuk
  • V.I. Starikov
  • Y.A. Vinnik
  • V.V. Michalycyn
Keywords: thyroid cancer, markers p53, p21WAF1/CIP1, p63


128 samples of removed thyroid gland tissue were studied. In all cases differentiated thyroid cancer was diagnosed. We analyzed the results of immunohistochemical staining for p53, p21WAF1/CIP1 and p63 and the correlation with presence and type of patients burdened heredity. Established, that the expression of studied markers in tumor of patients, which had a healthy family, was at lowest level. The expression rates were higher in patients whose relatives had various non-neoplastic thyroid pathology.The highest rates of markers expression observed in patients with cancer burdened heredity.

In paratumor tissue the trends of markers expression changes in patients with burdened heredity, although were less pronounced, but had similarities with malignant tumors.It indicates that the molecular-genetic disorder is occurring not only in tumor but also in nonmalignant cells. This fact obviously is in favor of the hypothesis that the effect of such disorders may be the malignant tumor appearance.


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How to Cite
Muzhychuk, A., Afanasyeva, N., Muzhychuk, V., Starikov, V., Vinnik, Y., & Michalycyn, V. (1). THE ROLE OF HEREDITY IN APOPTOSIS AND CELL PROLIFERATION MARKERS EXPRESSION IN THYROID CANCER. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (19), 5-12. Retrieved from
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