Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations 2024-06-03T12:34:07+00:00 Н.І. Ушакова Open Journal Systems Cognitive, linguistic, and methodological considerations in teaching professional vocabulary to information technology (IT) students. 2024-05-31T12:01:27+00:00 V. Borshchovetska T. Harbuza A. Durdas V. Semidotska <p>The article examines modern facets of English language teaching to IT students in Ukraine. A mixed-methods approach was taken for the research: a review of modern approaches to teaching professional vocabulary to IT students; assessment of the effectiveness of the various approaches; use of questionnaires to obtain information from students; and observation of teaching and the learning process by the authors. The authors emphasize the effectiveness of the cognitive approach to vocabulary acquisition, which implies consideration of the role of memory and the identification of mechanisms and models of vocabulary processing. Among these are the <em>concept mediation </em><em>model,</em> which demonstrates that words in both languages are not related to each other but are associated only via a conceptual system, and the <em>word-association model. </em>The latter illustrates that the translation of a word includes the following cognitive processes: word recognition ® concept search ® target word search ® English equivalent search ® word pronunciation.</p> <p>The role of cognitive learning strategies has been generalized as well as the role of cognitive processes of vocabulary acquisition, i.e. mnemonic devices are emphasized. Data obtained both from student questionnaires and experimental outcomes prove the effectiveness of using the following mnemonic techniques for teaching English IT vocabulary: semantic grouping, phonological similarity grouping, words with similar initial letters grouping, abbreviations, similar structural elements within words, loci method, hanger words, and the Keyword method.</p> <p>The authors substantiate the necessity and importance of learning linguistic and methodological peculiarities of the English vocabulary of the sublanguage “Information Technology”. It is shown that the phenomenon of “linguistic interference”, both positive and negative, influences the process of foreign vocabulary acquisition, thus making the process either easier or more difficult. The main difficulty is caused by “interlanguage interference”, the negative effects of language rules and processes on the processes of the target language. A&nbsp;methodological typology of the IT vocabulary addressed has been developed, based on the typology of lexical linguistic correspondences from a comparative analysis of English and Ukrainian. These reflect complete, partial, or zero correlation of semantic and morphological structures, as well as the connection and pronunciation of words in the languages being compared. As a result, five vocabulary groups have been identified.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations The problem of teaching speech activities in a foreign language to international law students 2024-05-31T10:50:50+00:00 A. Bochenkov T. Ivanova <p>The article explores the challenges and methodologies involved in teaching speech activities in English to students specializing in International Law at the School of Law. Theproblems are further complicated by the conditions of&nbsp;distance learning, which, on the one hand, exacerbate the teaching process, but on the other hand, offer facilitation as distance learning, by its nature, enhances interaction between students and teachers, granting flexibility in terms of both spatial and temporal dimensions. Among the many means of&nbsp;communication utilized, Zoom stands out as a prominent service for organizing online classes. The key factor in optimizing language skills is the use of a student-centered model. The current level of development of students’ speaking skills in the target language does not meet modern educational requirements, which emphasizes the relevance of this issue. In the era of&nbsp;globalization, the main goal of teaching English is not just to master the language system or gain linguistic knowledge, but to master it as a means ofcommunication. Creating favorable conditions for the development of&nbsp;students’ communicative skills in a foreign language is one of the main tasks of the teacher. By recreating circumstances that are similar to those when native speakers acquire native language skills, students can immerse themselves in a similar environment, and this will contribute to the effective development of their speech skills.</p> <p>Law students specializing in international law should have the communicative competence that will allow them to communicate effectively with both native speakers and people who use the language as a communication tool. In the absence of a natural language environment, teachers should build the educational process in accordance with a reasonably constructed model of educational and professional communication. A&nbsp;prerequisite for the creative use of the acquired language and speech material is communicative orientation in the process of teaching a foreign language.</p> 2024-05-31T10:50:48+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations ICT integration in education: aligning experiences of ESP lecturers in economic universities 2024-05-31T12:13:44+00:00 О. Zatserkovnyi <p>In today’s digital era, the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into education is increasingly essential. This is vital for preparing students to meet the challenges of the modern workforce. This study investigates the experiences of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) lecturers in integrating ICT into the Economics curriculum. Its aim is to identify challenges, strategies, and opportunities for enhancing ICT integration in this context.</p> <p>The study employs a mixed-methods approach. It combines survey data analysis with focus group discussions to explore lecturers’ perspectives on ICT integration. The survey findings reveal a high level of confidence among lecturers in subject matter expertise and pedagogical knowledge. However, there’s a notable gap in technological proficiency.</p> <p>Results from the Kruskal-Wallis test indicated no statistically significant differences in teachers’ ICT competence based on their academic degrees. However, significant differences were observed in the average scores for various components of ICT competence across different levels of work experience among the survey participants.</p> <p>Focus group discussions highlight challenges such as limited access to ICT resources and inadequate institutional support. Additionally, they shed light on successful strategies for enhancing student engagement. These strategies include collaborative partnerships and innovative teaching methods.</p> <p>The study underscores the pivotal role of integrating ICT into the Economics curriculum. It emphasizes the necessity for tailored professional development programs and institutional backing to tackle identified challenges and leverage opportunities for augmenting student learning outcomes.</p> <p>The findings emphasize the significance of ongoing training workshops, access to up-to-date ICT tools and software, and collaborative engagements with &nbsp;seasoned &nbsp;colleagues. These aspects are crucial for facilitating the effective integration of ICT into the curriculum.</p> 2024-05-31T12:13:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations Effective techniques for developing advanced vocabulary skills in English language 2024-05-31T13:41:56+00:00 Yu. Kovalenko <p>The present paper is dedicated to developing advanced vocabulary skills in English. Mastering vocabulary is paramount for English language learners who strive for fluent and accurate communication. This article examines the importance of advanced vocabulary skills for language acquisition and the challenges of students’ vocabulary development. Based on current research results from prominent scientists, the article summarizes insights into effective techniques for developing advanced vocabulary skills. The study highlights the diverse role of vocabulary in language mastery and its impact on academic and professional success. It highlights the importance of tailored strategies for vocabulary teaching, including contextual learning, semantic mapping, morphological awareness, incidental learning, and vocabulary games and activities. Additionally, the article examines cutting-edge technology-enhanced vocabulary learning strategies, such as online resources, mobile applications, and adaptive learning platforms, designed to improve students’ vocabulary proficiency. Through a comprehensive review of the literature and analysis of current research, the article explains the challenges of vocabulary acquisition and the need for further investigation of its dimensions, reasons, and consequences. It emphasizes the need for educators to employ effective techniques that facilitate the development of advanced vocabulary skills in English language students. In summary, recognizing the importance of vocabulary in language acquisition and adopting innovative strategies for vocabulary development are essential steps to enable students to realize the full potential of language, promote academic and professional excellence, and embark on a journey of lifelong learning and personal growth.</p> 2024-05-31T13:41:55+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations Trends in the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching of foreign languages and translator training 2024-05-31T17:40:06+00:00 N. Kovalchuk <p>The article provides a comparative analysis of 27 studies carried out over the last five years on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education, the application of ICT in education and the utilisation of machine translation (MT) in the teaching of foreign languages and translation. It outlines the trends identified by these studies, the achievements to date and the most promising areas for further research. The main areas identified were: the theoretical justification for the use of ICT; the comparative effectiveness of different MT systems, on the one hand, and human translators, on the other; the assessment of students’ target texts taking into account their degree of independence from MT; the role of post-editing in the teaching of foreign languages and translation and the methodology of its application in the teaching process; the role of ICT in the translation industry and its impact on the content of training programmes and curricula for future translators. The analysis showed that there is a considerable lack of sufficient research in the first area, as well as contradictory results in the remaining three (discrepancies in the evaluation of the translation efficiency of different MT systems and of MT compared to humans; unavailability of an effective and economical methodology for the evaluation of texts produced with the use of MT; the absence of a rational methodology for the application of post-editing at different stages of training and under different conditions). The author highlights the positive attitude of the translation industry towards ICT and the significant gap between its needs and the content of the training of future translators. The most promising directions for further research are outlined. These include, in particular: developing a methodology for the formation of skills included in the model of technological competence of a future translator; clarifying the comparative effectiveness of different MT systems and their potential areas of application; specifying the differences between machine and human translation and determining their optimal correlation in translator training and translation practice; identifying the optimal proportion of MT in the content of translator training and ways of evaluating texts translated using MT; developing a model for the effective integration of post-editing into the content of training; investigating ways of increasing the influence of the translation industry on the content of translator training.</p> 2024-05-31T17:40:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations Integration of soft skills into the program of maritime English 2024-06-01T08:48:10+00:00 V. Kudriavtseva S. Barsuk O. Frolova <p>The shipping industry is regulated by international laws with the stakeholders significantly influencing the standards of international transport systems and, therefore, demands highly qualified specialists. The introduction of digital technologies, automatization of working processes, and globalization of international maritime trade create new challenges and increase the requirements for the mariners’ professional competences, thus impacting the training of future specialists.</p> <p>The latest studies on the current trends and the long-term prospects indicate the need to acquire new professional skills to support the shipping industry’s sustainable development. The stakeholders are increasingly recognizing the influence of human factors on the efficiency of the processes aboard ships and emphasize the urgent need for an overhaul of maritime education. The focus on the soft skills training aims to contribute to the formation of future leaders and improve the quality of seafarers’ professional training. Thus, there is a need to substantiate the importance of soft skills for a successful career in the maritime industry and to describe the methods to integrate them into the educational process.</p> <p>The authors acknowledge that the concept of “soft skills” proposed by national and foreign researchers varies in their characteristics. Based on the analysis of scholarly papers, we have formulated the “soft skills” definition appropriate for our research. We define “soft skills” as individual psychological and behavioral properties that are realized in interpersonal interaction and contribute significantly to its effectiveness.The purpose of the article is to present some approaches to integrating soft skills into Maritime English program at a higher educational institution.To determine the primary directions of soft skills development, the authors have analyzed the latest international projects, conducted by maritime experts. We consider the integration of soft skills into the Maritime English course to be one of the most suitable approaches since the teaching methods and the course learning materials are aimed specifically at the development of effective interpersonal communication skills.The information presented in the paper can be useful for researchers and educators, who are interested in soft skills embedding into educational programs.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations Formation of spelling competence of higher education students 2024-06-01T11:55:15+00:00 I. Kucherenko <p>This article addresses the challenge of cultivating spelling proficiency among higher education students amidst the implementation of revised Ukrainian orthographic norms. It delineates both theoretical and practical approaches to enhancing spelling competency and developing the professional speech of students.</p> <p>Contemporary educational objectives prioritize the development of linguistically adept, creative, and self-reliant individuals capable of effective verbal expression in the Ukrainian literary language in various styles and across diverse communicative contexts. Proficiency in the state Ukrainian language is integral to realizing the pedagogical paradigm of continuous language education, promoting communicative competence, linguistic awareness, and meaningful interpersonal communication.</p> <p>The linguistic shifts within modern literary Ukrainian codified in the updated orthography and introduced in 2019 underscore the timeliness and significance of addressing spelling proficiency among higher education students. It necessitates assimilating the codified spelling alterations and refining the spelling prowess of native Ukrainian speakers.</p> <p>The research methodology entailed analysing philological and linguistic didactic literature, scrutinizing the contemporary Ukrainian spelling standards, and reviewing pertinent educational documents, programs, textbooks, and instructional methodologies. Additionally, methods and techniques for enhancing students’ spelling competency were devised and modelled.</p> <p>Effective strategies for bolstering spelling knowledge and skills among higher education students involve a blend of traditional and innovative pedagogical methods and tools. Equally important within the higher education system is instilling students with motivational readiness and intrinsic motivation to adhere to contemporary Ukrainian spelling norms. This entails cultivating a clear appreciation of the significance and necessity, as per current regulatory standards, of employing the Ukrainian literary language across all public domains. Ultimately, it aims to foster a high level of spelling competency among students.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations Professionally focused vlog in pre-service foreign language teacher education 2024-06-01T11:53:47+00:00 A. Melnyk <p>The phenomenon of “vlogging” is articulated through its pivotal role in the professionally focused communicative competence development of pre-service foreign language teachers, particularly those specializing in English. The exploration encompasses a review of both domestic and international scholarly contributions. A professionally focused vlog is conceptualized as an information and research project that is educational in form and professional in content delineating the trajectory of the prospective teacher’s future career. Its genesis is ascribed to contemporary pedagogical demands for the establishment of an enriching multimedia educational environment, envisioned to foster the augmentation of interaction; the integration of authentic online resources and tasks, inciting students to explore diverse professional and pedagogical issues; the cultivation of the skills pertinent to both independent and collaborative information gathering, transforming it into a profound learning experience that steers clear of a linear sequence in favor of a comprehensive array of sources for forging personalized learning pathways.</p> <p>Professionally focused foreign language vlogs are posited to ensure the attainment of intercultural foreign language communication competences among professionals in educational domains, contingent upon adherence to specific stipulations. They entail: setting explicit&nbsp; project objectives aligned with authentic outcomes reflective of prospective professional activities; creating quasi-professional tasks (a partial analogue of a professional one) designed to enhance university-level students’ professional motives and interests in teaching languages and cultures, and modelling situations that closely mirror challenges pertinent to professional advancement; maintaining a project log for a 4-5 weeks duration, meticulously managing ordered stages of work during classroom and extracurricular activities, accompanied by a set of exercises and tasks for improving linguistic, speech, educational-strategic and socio-cultural competences; promoting personalised learning to explore topics that align with their professional aspirations; facilitating reflection practices, taking into account the obstacles students encountered and the resolution strategies they surmounted in pursuit of project goals; emphasizing self-regulation, critical appraisal and revision.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations Magazine “Business Spotlight” as the authentic resource for developing English reading skills for higher education students 2024-06-01T12:26:34+00:00 A. Palamarchuk D. Pylypyshyna <p>Employing authentic materials to develop reading skills often leads to difficulty in selecting authentic texts. A variety of researchers point out that the selection of authentic materials is challenging and time-consuming, as it requires choosing a suitable, readable, and exploitable text. Tackling this issue can make the selection process brief and increase the implementation of authentic texts for reading purposes in the ESL classroom. This paper aims to analyze the Business Spotlight magazine as a source of reading texts; consider the benefits of this periodical and how it can facilitate the selection of materials; offer a set of designed reading activities based on an article taken from the Business Spotlight magazine, and investigate ESL university students’ attitude towards the article. The research methodology comprises the theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature highlighting the significant factors that contribute to the productive implementation of reading authentic texts. The main tool used to measure third-year university students’ attitudes towards the authentic article was a set of designed activities and a follow-up questionnaire based on a Likert scale. The questionnaire aimed to assess the article according to the main factors of choosing authentic materials, including suitability of the content, readability, exploitability, and presentation. The main findings indicate that the authentic article met students’ needs, with information likely to be applied beyond the classroom. Structurally and grammatically, &nbsp;it &nbsp;was &nbsp;not &nbsp;overly &nbsp;demanding. &nbsp;The &nbsp;article &nbsp;effectively &nbsp;enhanced reading, listening, and speaking skills through tailored activities, fostering student motivation and enjoyment in the learning process. Consequently, the Business Spotlight magazine presents a diverse range of authentic articles reporting news from English-speaking countries. These articles are crafted at various language levels, streamlining the selection process for educators who need not adapt the texts themselves. Business Spotlight articles can be employed at different language levels and for various teaching purposes.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations Enhancing university remote language learning through innovative applications of artificial intelligence technologies amidst global challenges 2024-06-01T13:02:56+00:00 N. Sarnovska J. Rybinska Yu. Mykhailichenko <p>In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has revolutionised various industries, and education is no exception. One area where AI is making significant strides is in distance learning of foreign languages at the university level. The purpose of the article is to examine the many ways in which AI technologies can be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of foreign language learning in virtual classrooms based on a personalised approach to learning and to outline an algorithm for utilizing artificial intelligence in foreign language learning, which aims to provide a structured approach for integrating AI tools and technologies into language learning processes. The scientific novelty of the study lies in its comprehensive exploration and integration of cutting-edge AI technologies within the context of university remote learning for foreign languages. The emphasis on personalized learning paths and adaptive learning approaches is a novel aspect. The study delves into how AI algorithms analyse individual learner data to tailor educational content, providing a customized and adaptive learning experience. This focus on individualized instruction represents a departure from traditional one-size-fits-all language education methods. Research Methods. To conduct a comprehensive study on the use of artificial intelligence technologies in university remote learning of foreign languages, a mixed-methods research approach is employed. This involves both quantitative and qualitative research methods to gather a holistic understanding of the impact and effectiveness of AI technologies in language education. Conclusions. Integrating AI technologies into university remote learning for foreign languages represents a transformative shift in how languages are taught and acquired. By personalizing learning paths, providing intelligent tutoring, incorporating conversational practice, utilizing gamification, automating assessment, and leveraging virtual reality, AI is reshaping language education to be more engaging, effective, and tailored to individual student needs. As these technologies continue to evolve, the future of language learning promises to be dynamic, interactive, and increasingly accessible to learners worldwide.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations Professional context of teaching reading to foreign economics students 2024-06-01T14:32:15+00:00 Olena Titarenko O. Kopylova <p>The article continues a series of studies dedicated to teaching Ukrainian-language reading skills to foreign students specializing in economics. It underscores the significance of achieving communicative objectives in education to ensure that foreign students in higher education comprehend their specialty and various forms of Ukrainian-language communication. However, the initial level of text comprehension among students at the onset of the main stage of learning is insufficient to effectively support the educational process in Ukrainian higher education institutions within their chosen specialties.</p> <p>The article emphasizes the pivotal role of reading in fostering foreign language communicative competence. Reading, as a fundamental educational skill, serves as the cornerstone for the development of all other language skills. The training in reading for economics students necessitates specification, systematization, and the exploration of novel methodological approaches, which should subsequently be incorporated into reading materials tailored to the professional orientation of higher education students.</p> <p>The authors propose fundamental approaches to organizing educational content and various strategies for working with professionally oriented texts. They identify and analyse the primary challenges encountered by foreign students when reading Ukrainian-language texts related to their profession and suggest strategies for overcoming these obstacles. One of their recommendations is the utilization of specialized vocabulary and economic terminology during the instruction of foreign students in reading professionally oriented texts.</p> <p>The article substantiates that the optimization of reading education hinges on the careful selection of educational texts relevant to the students’ specialties, which constitute the primary educational unit. Additionally, it stresses the importance of employing a structured system of language and speech exercises developed based on professionally oriented economics texts, encompassing pre-text, text, and post-text tasks.</p> <p>Moreover, the article underscores the significance of professional orientation, informativeness, and relevance as the main criteria for selecting educational materials and determining their content. It also emphasizes the linguistic appropriateness of educational texts. The authors propose a systematic approach to working with professionally oriented texts in reading classes for first-year foreign students majoring in Economics (specialty 051).</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations Formation and development of the language training methodology for foreign students at classical university. Part 4. Language training of foreign medical students in the english medium education format 2024-06-02T11:38:03+00:00 N. Ushakova I. Kushnir O. Trostynska T. Aleksieienko <p>This article continues a series of scientific research focusing on the stages of formation and development of the methodology of language training of foreign higher education students. Specifically, it examines the work of the Language Training Department at the Institute of International Education for Study and Research of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The objective of the&nbsp;article is to elucidate the system of teaching Ukrainian to foreign medical students pursuing higher education in English and its practical implementation.</p> <p>The article analyses theoretical research and methodological developments carried out by the department’s teachers in the field of language training of foreign medical students. The theoretical framework encompasses various educational paradigms relevant to the training of higher medical education students, the systematization of training principles, including professional dialogue, and the characterization of levels and elements within the integrative system of professional and communicative training of the target group.</p> <p>Furthermore, the article scrutinizes the normative, procedural, and evaluative functions of linguistic discipline curricula. It examines the principles governing the selection of content elements and topics that embody the linguistic, speech, and professional components required for teaching the Ukrainian language to future doctors.</p> <p>Theoretical developments have led to the characterization of principles guiding the creation of textbooks aimed at forming the communicative competence components of future medical professionals. An analysis of a series of textbooks demonstrates their effectiveness in fulfilling the objectives outlined in the work programs and in fostering general and professional competences among higher medical education students.</p> <p>In response to contemporary challenges, such as the need to adapt to educational disruptions caused by pandemics and martial law, the authors underscore the importance of integrating modern digital technologies into the educational process. The article explores the possibilities of digital storytelling technology and evaluates the alignment of distance courses, created by departmental teachers on the Moodle platform, with the objectives of language training.</p> <p>Looking ahead, the authors envision optimizing the formation of medical students’ communicative competence through theoretical development and the implementation of a comprehensive model in the educational process. This model would blend effective traditional teaching strategies with the capabilities of modern digital technologies and platforms.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations Pedagogical grammar as a frame concept for research in the field of foreign language teaching methods. Part 16. Problems of organising pedagogical grammar in teaching 2024-06-03T12:34:07+00:00 L. Chernovaty <p>The article presents a comparative analysis of two approaches to teaching a&nbsp;foreign language in general and its grammar in particular – <em>acquisition</em> (mainly implicit learning, similar to the mastery of a first language) and <em>learning</em> (based on students’ awareness of the structure and conditions of use of the grammatical structures to be learnt). As the analysis of the available publications shows, there are contradictory points of view on the relationship between <em>acquisition</em> and <em>learning</em> in the classroom teaching process, ranging from the complete denial of the usefulness of one of the above approaches to the search for the optimal ratio of elements of both methods, depending on the specific learning conditions. In the author’s opinion, the problem can be practically reduced to the ratio of types of pedagogical information in the teaching process. The author distinguishes three such types (speech sample, model and rule), which differ in the degree of implicitness (speech sample is implicit, model is semi-implicit and rule is explicit). Acquisition is mainly based on the use of a speech sample as the only type of pedagogical information, while the use of rules and models is typical of teaching that focuses on understanding the structure and conditions of use of the grammatical action that is the object of acquisition. On the basis of the arguments presented in the previous parts of his series of articles, the author proposes a list of conditions favourable to effective <em>acquisition</em>, i.e. even when a speech sample is used as the only type of pedagogical information. On the other hand, the author argues that there are disadvantages of such teaching due to incomplete orientation of students as to the structure and conditions of the corresponding action. The author considers more explicit types of pedagogical information as a means of overcoming this shortcoming and explains the differences between traditional and step-by-step methods of their application. Based on these conclusions, the paper outlines prospects for further research.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations Features of using social networks in self-learning foreign languages 2024-06-02T14:15:38+00:00 O. Shumskyi <p>The 21st century witnesses a significant surge in the role of a specific communication environment within a special network community. This phenomenon has catalysed the emergence of a new paradigm in educational activity, particularly in the realm of foreign languages. This paradigm, characterized by network learning and self-learning, is founded upon the principles of mass cooperation, the ideology of educational resource openness, and the networked organization of participants’ interaction. This article explores the possibilities and peculiarities of utilizing network technologies in students’ self-directed foreign language learning. Through network interaction, students can vastly expand the scope of linguistic self-education by leveraging social network cooperation, polymodal interaction, and the creation of virtual foreign language communicative environments. Central to this discussion are the main characteristics of networked educational interaction, which play pivotal roles in fostering individual subjectivity development. It is argued that network interaction affords students the opportunity to access a diverse range of conditions for shaping their individual trajectories of linguistic self-education. Moreover, foreign language instruction should encompass not only imparting knowledge and skills for information activities but also cultivating a culture of communication within the digital environment and fostering virtual intercultural competence. In conclusion, harnessing the vast potential of network technologies in foreign language self-learning facilitates language proficiency enhancement and effective development of skills across all types of language activities. Future research should focus on identifying pedagogical conditions conducive to cultivating students’ abilities in creating personalized linguistic self-educational environments</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations