Fight for free grain market in England

Keywords: production, consumption, grain, export, import, «Corn Laws», England, Market, free trade


The article gives characteristics of the market of grain in England in the XVIII century., Shows the change in the ratio of exports and imports of culture, identifies the reasons for the situation and the ways of solving the problem: the involvement of vacant and unsuitable land, investing additional capital and labor. Farmers and land owners have raised the price of the product fields, which could not excite the people. Aggravate the situation, pulled in discus representatives of English economics – Adam Smith and David Ricardo. In «The Wealth of Nations», noted the negative role of high import duties on imported grain and encouraged to go to free trade in general, grain, flour and bread in particular. Similar arguments and proposals Ricardo articles on agrarian issues. Landlords and the government resisted, not canceling, and changing the scale of fees. Dissatisfaction gripped society. It unfolded a mass movement for the abolition of the «Corn Laws». Supporters R. Kоbdena won. In England, he established a free grain market as a segment of intra-free market. The doctrine of free trade triumphed.


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How to Cite
Kryvuts, Y. (1). Fight for free grain market in England. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (5), 94-99. Retrieved from