Style and Format

In The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: History we publish articles on theoretical and scientific topics, dedicated to urgent issues of ancient and medieval history, archaeology, ethnography, new and modern history, historiography and source studies.

The manuscripts in Ukrainian and English are accepted for publication. Materials in other European languages are decided by the editorial board of the Journal. Articles in English have a priority for publication in the Journal.

Only original materials are accepted for publication. The authors are solely responsible for the content of the publication. The editorial board reserves the right to correct the article. Authors have the opportunity to discuss changes with the editorial board of the Journal during the proofreading.

Manuscripts are accepted electronically, sent to the e-mail of the responsible secretary of the Journal.


The manuscript should be drawn up in the following order:

  1. Name and surname of the author (authors). They are placed in the centre.
  2. Title of the manuscript. No more than two lines (200 characters), without abbreviations.
  3. Text of the article.
  4. References. Sources and literature are listed in alphabetical order.
  5. Summary. In Ukrainian, Russian and English (not less than 1,800 characters each).
  6. Keywords. In Ukrainian, Russian and English. Keywords are put after the resume and should reflect the chronological and geographical scope of the study, key events and timeline.
  7. List of abbreviations.
  8. List of illustrations.

All pages of the manuscript are numbered. The numbers are placed in the upper right corner of page 12-point type.


The author (or each of the authors) sends the detailed information in a separate file in Ukrainian, Russian and English in the following order:

  • full name;
  • scientific degree, academic title;
  • area of scientific interest;
  • academic affiliation and position;
  • official work address;
  • e-mail;
  • mobile phone number;
  • ORCID iD (;
  • date of article submission.


The manuscripts are drawn up in a Microsoft Word editor (doc, docx, rtf). Times New Roman. 14-point type. Interval 1,5. The sizes of the fields are 2 cm each.

Part of the Journal

Number of characters printed, including spaces


up to 40 thousand characters


up to 10 thousand characters


up to 10 thousand characters

The scope of the publication includes all the constituent articles (list of references, list of abbreviations, summaries, captions to illustrations, etc.). If the volume of publication is exceeded, it is returned to the author for revision.

Specific prints. If the manuscript contains specific fonts (for rare languages) or words containing letters with diacritics, an example should be added to the manuscript in which those words are clearly and correctly spelled.

Numeric and alphabetic abbreviations. Only Roman numerals are used to denote the centuries and millennia (IV century AD; I millennium BC).


They are placed at the bottom of the page and have a through numbering: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. References to the literature must be made in the same way as in the main text.


The editorial board chose the Harvard style of quoting and describing references, taking into account some of the features of the publication. It is intended to use references in the text of the manuscript, indicating (a) the author of the work (without initials) cited; b) year of publication; c) page spacing.

The names of the authors (as well as editors) of the works cited, written in the Latin alphabets, are given in the original. The names of the authors of the publications, written using the Cyrillic alphabets, are given by means of transliteration (see transliteration rules at the end).


  • (Bauman 1989, 159)
  • (Ivanov 1972, 536)
  • (Salvatori 1995, 67–68; Miks 2008, 54) 
  • two authors (Hvozdyev, Mykhaylov 1961, 374)
  • three authors (Kutsyy, Shvetsʹ, Melʹnyk 2013, 189)
  • four or more authors (Zaliznyy etc. 1998)
  • one author, different years (Abharyan 2007; 2010), in chronological order
  • one author one year (Kots 2007a; 2007b), in alphabetical order, depending on the name


A list of sources and literature is used at the end of the manuscript. The sources and literature in the list are not numbered; instead, a) they are organized alphabetically by author's names and titles; b) in the case of references to several works by one author, are organized in chronological order (by year of publication, starting with the earliest); c) if there are works of one author, published in the same year, they are placed in the bibliographic list in alphabetical order, based on the titles of the works (in this case, the small Latin letter, a, b, c) shall be attached.

The bibliographic description of works published in languages that do not use the Latin alphabet consists of two parts: original description and transliteration (see transliteration rules at the end). Only the names of modern academic periodicals (after 1945), which are indicated in square brackets, are translated into English. [Journal of Ancient History]. After transliteration, parentheses indicate the original language (In Russian) or (In Ukrainian).

The title of the book or periodical where the article is published is italicized. The name of the collection is indicated by "In:", "In." The title of the journal, periodical, collection is indicated in italics immediately after the title of the article, after the period. The first and last pages of the publication are mandatory for the articles. The names of domestic and foreign magazines are given without abbreviations, as are the names of cities. Names of cities are not reduced: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Poltava, Moscow, St. Petersburg. Publishers and the total number of pages in the monograph or collection of papers are not indicated.


References / Литература

  1. Belousov, A., Saprykin, S. 2013: A Letter of Kledikos from Hermonassa. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 185, 153–160.

Bradley, G. 2014: The Nature of Roman Strategy in Mid-Republican Colonization and Road Building. In: J. Pelgrom, T.D. Stek (eds), Roman Republican Colonization. New Perspectives from Archaeology and Ancient History. Rome, 60–72.

  1. Gorelik, M. V. 1985: Shlem iz stanitsy Dakhovskoy. Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History] 2, 94–96. (In Russian).

Горелик, М. В. 1985: Шлем из станицы Даховской. ВДИ 2, 94–96.

  1. Hazanov, A. M., Chernenko, E. V. 1979: Chas i monyvy pograbuvannja skifskih kurganiv. Arheologija [Archaeology] 30, 18–26. (In Ukrainian)

Хазанов А. М., Черненко Є. В. 1979: Час і мотиви пограбування скіфських курганів. Археологія 30, 18–26.

  1. Hryhorenko, P., Tomak, M. ta Tysiachna, N. 2013: Prykhovuvannia istorychnoi pravdy. 2-he vyd. Kyiv. (In Ukrainian)

Григоренко, П., Томак, М. та Тисячна, Н. 2013: Приховування історичної правди. 2-ге вид. Київ.

  1. Polin, S. V., Kubyshev, A. I. 1997: Skifskie kurgany Utlyukskogo mezhdurech'ya [Scythian kurgans of Utljuksky interfluve]. Kiev. (In Russian)

Полин, С. В., Кубышев, А. И. 1997: Скифские курганы Утлюкского междуречья. Киев.

  1. Pshenichnaia, T. A. 1984: Russkaia tekhnicheskaia kniga, 1725–1880 gg. Avtoref. diss. ... kand. ist. nauk. Moskva. (In Russian)

Пшеничная, Т. А. 1984: Русская техническая книга, 1725–1880 гг. Автореф. дисс. ... канд. ист. наук. Москва.

  1. Tjeljegina, K. 2014: Reklamnyj tekst jak forma social'nogo vplyvy. In: Novitnja osvita [Advanced Education] 1, 30–35. Available at: <> [Accessed: 11 February 2016]. (In Ukrainian)

Тєлєгіна, К. 2014: Рекламний текст як форма соціального впливу. Новітня освіта 1, 30–35. Available at: <> [Accessed: 11 February 2016].

  1. Zhelezchikov, B. F. 1980: Rannie kochevniki Iuzhnogo Priural'ia v VI v. do n. e. – I v. n. e. Diss. ... kand. ist. nauk. Moskva. (In Russian)

Железчиков, Б. Ф. 1980: Ранние кочевники Южного Приуралья в VI в. до н.э. – I в. н.э. Дисс. ... канд. ист. наук. Москва.


A list of abbreviations used in alphabetical order is added after the list of references. Initially, abbreviations are given in Cyrillic, then in Latin.


A summary of at least 1,800 characters each in Ukrainian, Russian and English is attached to the text of the article. The editors ask the authors to use the English English spelling, and to check the spelling of geographical and historical names, the Oxford English Dictionary. The abstract must include the name of the article, as well as the name and initials of the author. The authors of the article are solely responsible for the literacy of the summary text.


The number of illustrations in the article should not exceed 10, in the message or review - 3. The illustrations should be sent in separate files in jpeg, jpg, tif or png formats. The size of each file must be at least 300 KB. Each illustration should be numbered. The full list of the captions for the illustrations and their translation into English must be attached to the article.

The use of illustrations belonging to museum holdings, private collections, etc. is only possible with an indication of the place of their storage and the owner. In the case of copyright infringement, the sole responsibility of the authors of the publications!

If the illustration belongs to the author of the article, at the end of its signature in brackets it is obligatory to indicate their authorship, for example: (photo by Bondarenko OO). If borrowed illustrations, reference to the source is required!

Maps. Maps should include: a list of symbols (in the corner of the map); the names of the main rivers; if necessary, the scale and index of the sides of the world. In one article, you need to use one template for the card, and the inscriptions should be in the same font.

Schemes of complexes, drawings. Scale indication is required. In the case where the scheme is presented in the form of a scanned image from another source, this image should be contrasted and meet all technical requirements.


Tables and charts are drawn in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word. Each table or chart is numbered and has a heading. The word "Table" or "Diagram" with its serial number is written in the same row as its name. Notes and links to the table or chart are directly below them. The diagrams are presented as jpeg, jpg, tif or png images. The editorial board reserves the right to change the layout of the tables.