• Т. В. Меркулова V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University
  • С. И. Забуга V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University
  • А. И. Зернов V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University
Keywords: differentiation of incomes, an inequality of distribution of incomes, Gini coefficient, an average return, the modal income, the median income, monthly average value of gross national product per capita, an index of physical volume of gross national product


In given the work the concept of distribution of incomes, its quantity indicators, a problem of an inequality of incomes is considered. Computation of various indicators of an inequality of distribution, Gini coefficient, an average return, the median income, the modal income is conducted, dynamics of these indicators from 2000 to 2010 is considered. Also, by means of the constructed models, the interrelation of various indicators of an inequality of distribution of incomes of the population, and also their influence on monthly average value of gross national product per capita and an index of physical volume of gross national product is considered.


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Статистичні щорічники України за 2000-2010 роки.

Україна у цифрах 2008: стат. зб./ Держкомстат України — К.: Інформ.-аналіт. агентство, 2009. - 259 с.

Україна у цифрах 2006: стат. зб. / Держкомстат України — К.: Інформ.-аналіт. агентство, 2007. - 256 с.

How to Cite
Меркулова, Т. В., Забуга, С. И., & Зернов, А. И. (2013). THE ANALYSIS AND ESTIMATION OF AN INEQUALITY OF DISTRIBUTION OF INCOMES IN UKRAINE. Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Economic Series, (1047), 34-41. Retrieved from