State Formation (Дмитро Васильович КАРАМИШЕВ) (Валентина БОГАТОВА)Mon, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000OJS of the Motivation of Global Digital Nomads for their Engagement In the Post-War Industrial Recovery of Ukraine
<p>The article proposes to consider the phenomenon of digital nomadism from the perspective of an intellectual and labor resource necessary for the implementation of recovery projects in the Ukrainian industry of regions already today. The aim of the article is to substantiate the impact of the modern motivation of global "digital nomads" on the formation of a new way of engaging them in new private and public projects for the post-war recovery of Ukraine's industry. The first half of the article provides an analytical overview of the motivational portrait of a digital nomad as a driving force for building a mechanism for engaging them in joint recovery projects, reveals the peculiarities of leadership and communications within the digital nomad system as a basis for building interaction between the state and digital nomad business owners. The second half of the article directly offers the author's view on building an algorithm for working with digital nomad business owners, developing a mechanism for engaging them in joint projects for the recovery of regional industries, and building a further systematic work for the sustainable development of Ukrainian regions. The basis for the successful implementation of the mechanism for attracting digital nomads should be taking into account the motivational component and the peculiarities of the system as the basis for building joint interaction processes. It is extremely important to adhere to the principles of rationality and mutual respect, avoid manifestations of authoritarianism and declarativeness in relationships, and reasonable limits of creativity.</p>Oleksiy Gibadullin, Oleksandr Melnychenko, Volodymyr Zolotarev
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Creating a New ‘Place’: How Renewed Immigration and Integration Policies and Public Governance Can Aid the Development of Ukrainian State-Owned Enterprises?
<p>The article is dedicated to discussing the theme of creating a new "place" in the renewed policy and public governance regarding immigration and integration. The aim of the article is to develop the conceptualization of the idea of "place-making" together with immigrants in post-war Ukraine as a new element of public immigration policy and the policy of developing large state corporations. The article begins with a discussion of recent contemporary ideas and concepts regarding the integration of immigrants and how the experience of immigrants is viewed as something separate from the places where immigrants live, as a result of which immigrants are considered responsible for their own integration. The article concludes that the concept of "place-making" in the context of immigration and integration of immigrants is a key element of the current scientific discourse. It reflects a dynamic process in which both immigrants and the local population actively participate in the formation of a new sociocultural space, and this concept goes beyond the framework of spatial assimilation, emphasizing mutual adaptation and transformation of society. Further, the article concludes that the proposed attempt to conceptualize "place-making" for Ukraine after the end of the war represents a comprehensive, multifaceted approach aimed at integrating and attracting three key groups: qualified immigrants, ethnic Ukrainians from the diaspora, and citizens of Ukraine who left the country in 2014-2023 due to the war. This approach involves the active participation of state corporations as key agents of change and platforms for integration. Large state enterprises and especially corporations such as Ukrzaliznytsia, Naftogaz, Energoatom, Ukrposhta, and others become not just employers, but centers of innovation, cultural exchange, and social integration. They initiate specialized programs such as "Innovative Railways," "Diaspora for Defense," "Energy of Return," which combine technological modernization with social integration.</p>Alisa Kosenko, Victor Kosenko, Valeriy Babaiev
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Green Transformation of Society as a Current Priority of State Policy: Problems and Prospects
<p>The article notes the importance and relevance of considering the issue of integrating the principles of the "green transformation" course into the sphere of public administration. The work emphasizes that this is of great importance for Ukraine in the context of the implementation of the country's European integration course, which has been enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine (Basic Law) since 2019. It was determined that the implementation of the principles of "green transformation" in the sphere of public administration is conditioned by the need for proper governance during the period of martial law in Ukraine and during the period of post-war reconstruction in order to effectively use the socio-economic potential and human resources of the state. It was established that the main problems of the active implementation of the "green transformation" policy at the current stage of Ukraine's development are the unstable socio-economic situation; the destruction and destruction of critical infrastructure facilities as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation; low level of technological and innovative development of the leading sectors of the economy; weak development of educational and information activity on the part of public authorities.Among the most relevant ways of development, the following have been identified: development and implementation of the policy of "green transformation" at the national level on the basis of multi-industry, multi-system and multi-sectoral content; broad attraction of investments and financing of relevant national, regional and local programs; development of national standards, rules and regulations for the implementation of the principles of "green policy" in all spheres of economy; support and development of international cooperation in the direction of implementation of the principles of "green transformation"; effective communication, education and informing the population about the advantages of the chosen course of "green transformation" in order to achieve better economic and social indicators of life, health and well-being of the population in an ecologically clean and safe environment.</p>Maksim Khozhylo
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Historical aspects of european integration: phenomenon of ancient heritage
<p>The subject of the research is the systematization of cultural and civilizational shifts of ancient times as an important sociocultural factor of modern European integration. The methodological basis of the research is the civilizational approach to understanding historical development and the principle of historicism. The essence and features of ancient Greek and ancient Roman socio-cultural heritage are characterized, highlighting their many shared attributes. Therefore, this heritage is collectively referred to under the concept of "antiquity." Additionally, the thesis that ancient culture plays a special role in the formation of European identity is substantiated. However, the attempts at that time to rearrange the state system on the basis of direct democracy were not sustained or replicated in subsequent historical periods. These efforts remain in the memory of future generations as unique to their time attempts to ensure the participation of free citizens in the management of state affairs. Thus, antiquity forms a solid socio-cultural foundation for the formation and development of modern European civilization.</p> <p>It is generally accepted that the ancient period of European history ended in AD 476, when the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire was removed from power. However, the spiritual and civilizational potential of the ancient era significantly influenced the development of European peoples from the Middle Ages to the Рresent.</p>Yuriy Dreval
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Theoretical basics of mechanisms of the interaction of the government and public in the conditions of hybrid threats
<p>The current situation in Ukraine creates relevant challenges for the country itself, its regions, business and the public, especially the issue of interaction with the authorities in the context of countering hybrid threats. In such conditions, the mechanism of interaction between the government and the public is relevant for two reasons. First, the presence of martial law in Ukraine poses additional challenges and requirements for public administration. Secondly, the interaction of authorities with the public is becoming increasingly important, as the influence of public opinion on management decisions in various spheres is increasing.</p> <p>In the article, a theoretical generalization of modern scientific approaches to the problems of the mechanisms of interaction between the government and the public in the conditions of hybrid threats is carried out and four block-clusters of scientific approaches are distinguished: public-management, philosophical-sociocultural, informational-psychological, social-political. The theoretical foundations of the mechanisms of interaction between the authorities and the public in the conditions of hybrid threats have been studied.</p> <p>The expanded interpretation of the scientific concept "mechanism of interaction between the government and the public in the conditions of hybrid threats" is substantiated, which differs from the existing ones by the author's clarification of its content. The components of the public administration mechanism, the peculiarities of their interrelationship, the main parameters for ensuring their effective functioning in various spheres of society, taking into account objective (organizational-legal) and subjective (social-psychological) factors, are highlighted.</p> <p>In the modern approach to the construction and implementation of mechanisms of interaction between the authorities and the public in the conditions of hybrid threats, the following should be taken into account: the set of manifestations of the process itself, the regulatory and legal and organizational space (resources and opportunities of the participants), information flows and communication of the subjects of the process in order to overcome the consequences of global conflicts in various spheres of social life.</p>Tetiana Machabeli
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000The essence and criteria of the welfare state
<p>The conceptual and categorical apparatus of the study was further developed by clarifying the meaning of the concept of the social state as an ideal type of state, the activity of which is based on the recognition, observance and guaranteed protection of political and socio-economic rights and higher spiritual and moral values, the criteria of which are the democratic organization of state power, high moral level of citizens and, first of all, state officials, powerful economic potential, socially oriented structure of the economy, legal development of the state, the existence of civil society, a pronounced social orientation of state policy, the presence of social goals in the state, the presence of developed social legislation, consolidation of the formula "social state » in the country's constitution.</p> <p>The generalization of the definitions of the social state made it possible to conclude that it is a highly developed state in which a decent level of social security of all citizens is maintained in relation to the regulation of social, economic, political and other spheres of life, the establishment of peace, justice and solidarity in it.</p> <p>The basic meaning of the concept of "social state" undergoes changes in the history of social and humanitarian knowledge and in the practice of implementation of social state models; from a theoretical concept is translated into specific functions, principles and mechanisms of state policy in the social sphere in the conditions of the new reality.</p> <p>The genesis of the social qualities of the state demonstrates that the "welfare state" phenomenon dates back to the Middle Ages, where the state's social policy was based on four institutions (the family, the church, the corporation, and the monarch). With the development of industry and trade, the specialization of production, the emergence and development of commodity-money relations, the strengthening of the struggle for social changes, the welfare state is also undergoing changes, qualitatively changing state approaches to the social security of its citizens.</p> <p>The systematization of the criteria and main features of the social state allows us to note the main features: recognition of the people as the source of power, the bearer of sovereignty; availability of civil society standards; social security; socially oriented policy; development of the economic base; mandatory element of the welfare state is parliamentarism.</p> <p>The nature, goals and objectives of the welfare state are realized through its functions, which are the main directions of its activity, constitute the content and principles of social policy. <br>The principles of state policy in the social sphere include: equality of opportunities: the state must provide equal opportunities for all citizens in access to education, health care, housing, work and other social benefits; social protection: the state must provide social protection for the most vulnerable sections of the population, such as pensioners, the disabled, the unemployed, low-income families and children; state regulation: the state must regulate the social sphere to ensure its effective functioning and prevent negative consequences for society; cooperation with the public: the state should cooperate with the public and non-profit organizations to solve social problems and improve the quality of life of citizens; innovation and development: the state should stimulate innovation and development in the social sphere to ensure more efficient and high-quality provision of social services.</p>Yevhen Tryshnovskyi
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Regulation of the insurance market as a factor of increasing the national financial security of Ukraine in the conditions of hybrid threats
<p>The article provides an overview of the current state of the influence of hybrid threats on the development of the mechanism of regulation of insurance activity in the context of increasing national security in Ukraine. The hybrid impact on the country's economy and significant countermeasures are clearly identified. Weak points (dangers) and hybrid threats to the national financial security of Ukraine and society at the current stage are highlighted.</p> <p>It was determined that the full-scale invasion and hybrid threats had a negative impact on the financial services insurance market of Ukraine, but the dynamics of its slow development will be evident despite the listed threats.</p> <p>It has been proven that the process of regulation of the insurance market is of great importance in increasing the national financial stability in the socio-economic sector of the state, as well as the financial stability of its residents, which becomes a determining factor in increasing the national financial security of Ukraine in conditions of hybrid threats and requires improvement of the insurance market regulation mechanism in Ukraine</p>Viacheslav Dziundziuk, Dmytro Karamyshev, Mykola Latynin, Roman Sobol
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Integrated multilevel governance and convergence of public administration concepts in the conditions of global challenges
<p>The article summarizes various concepts of public management and other management approaches, which made it possible to propose an integrated approach to the transformation of multi-level governance and to determine tools for increasing its effectiveness based on the convergence of concepts of public management in the conditions of global challenges and hybrid threats. The need to modernize approaches to multi-level management towards its rationalization while maintaining democratic control over the political processes of formation and implementation of public policy is substantiated. The foundations of the concept of integrated multi-level governance are laid, which involves the convergence of various management concepts, directions and managerial approaches, in particular: concepts of global governance, good governance, new public management, public administration, corporate governance, political networks and network governance, crisis management, project and resource-efficient social management, flexible and adaptive management, sustainable management and quality management, etc. It is proposed to consider the concept of networks as an essential feature of integrated multi-level management, where it seems important to establish a coordination mechanism, which is a sign of effective multi-level management in conditions of polysubjectivity and polycentricity, which requires strengthening the integrity of the understanding of problems and consensus in decision-making, taking into account different visions and understanding of the relevant problems by all participants.</p>Valentyn Suvorov
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000State-owned corporations and enterprises: how can the government adapt its functions and policy for the greater public good?
<p>This paper focuses on analyzing the functions of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Ukraine and developing proposals for their reform to increase public welfare. The aim of the article is to investigate and summarize contemporary theoretical concepts regarding the role of SOEs in the economy and society, as well as to identify directions of state policy that will contribute to improving the efficiency of these enterprises.</p> <p>The main content is structured according to the following logic: a) a brief overview of the characteristics of three types of state-owned enterprises: state economic institutions, state enterprises as statutory corporations, and state enterprises as corporate law companies; b) functions of state-owned enterprises: from evolution to the current six functions (market, fiscal, development, social, strategic, predatory); c) state ownership policy regarding state-owned enterprises, including models of relevant state policy; d) development of proposals for updating the functions of state-owned enterprises for greater public good with emphasis on the Ukrainian context.</p> <p>The author draws an important final conclusion that in developing countries, state ownership policy is usually characterized by voluntarism and is strongly subordinated to political goals. The lack of clear codification and low level of transparency lead to inefficiency and corruption. State-owned enterprises are often used as a tool to achieve political objectives, creating additional challenges for management and development. Under such conditions, it is difficult to ensure the stability and efficiency of SOEs, as political influence often leads to changes in strategic directions and enterprise management.</p>Serhii Hromov
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Perspectives of the functioning of mechanisms of state regulation of economic security at the national and regional level
<p>In this article, an analysis and doctrinal synthesis of the perspective principles of the functioning of mechanisms of state regulation of economic security at the national and regional levels is carried out.</p> <p>Argumentatively, it is shown that in modern conditions, the need for the formation of a new, modern paradigm of ensuring economic security in the conditions of non-linear dynamics of the national economy and society, the growth of crisis phenomena, and the threat of their rapid spread is becoming more and more acute. Under the influence of globalization, tendencies toward the complication of the problem of economic security of Ukraine and its regions, which are accompanied by the reduction of opportunities and the absence of effective mechanisms for ensuring security, are becoming increasingly apparent.</p> <p>As a result of the conducted research, it was concluded that to ensure economic security, it is necessary to develop an effective mechanism of state regulation at the national and regional levels. The main perspective principles of functioning of mechanisms of state regulation of economic security at the national and regional levels may include the development and implementation of a system of monitoring and assessment of economic security risks at the state and regional level; development and creation of an effective system of state regulation and control over economic activity at the state and regional level; ensuring the sustainable development of the economy and supporting the competitiveness of national enterprises at the state and regional levels; development and implementation of innovative technologies in the economy at the state and regional level; ensuring the stability of the financial system at the state and regional level.</p> <p>It is shown that the implementation of these principles requires the coordination of the efforts of the state, the business environment and the public, and it is also necessary to create an effective mechanism of interaction between state bodies and businesses to ensure effective state regulation of economic security at the state and regional levels. Attention is focused on the fact that the perspective principles of the functioning of mechanisms of state regulation of economic security at the national and regional levels are aimed at ensuring the stability of the economy and social development of the country, and require joint efforts directed at the perspective principles of the functioning of mechanisms of state regulation of economic security at the national and regional levels, which are an important component of the effective economic policy of the country.</p>Denys Papirin
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Organizational and functional fundamentals of public administration mechanisms of road development
<p>The article is devoted to the study of the organizational and functional principles of the mechanisms of public management of the development of the road industry in Ukraine. The topicality of the topic is due to the strategic importance of high-quality road infrastructure, especially in the context of post-war reconstruction and European integration. The article analyzes the current state of the researched problem, reveals key systemic shortcomings of the existing management model, such as fragmented approaches, insufficient coordination, and limited public involvement. The research was conducted using an interdisciplinary approach and a set of methods, including the analysis of scientific literature, regulatory and legal acts, statistical data and modeling. The article examines in detail the structural and functional features of public management of road development at the central, regional and local levels, as well as the role of non-state actors in this process.</p> <p>On the basis of the conducted research, scientifically based recommendations for optimizing the institutional structure of management were formulated, which include measures for decentralization, simplification of the structure of management bodies, strengthening of coordination and control mechanisms, activation of public involvement and improvement of personnel qualifications.</p>Mykola Latynin, Anatolii Tymokha
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Trends of regional development management in Ukraine
<p>The article reviews the current state of regional development management. The main trends of socio-economic development of regions in Ukraine are highlighted and analyzed. <br>A general definition of regional development management as a system is proposed. The solution of these multi-component complex tasks causes a variety of scientific approaches to the management of regional development, a wide palette of practical measures of regional planning and management, as well as the widespread use in scientific research of similar terms: "regionalization", "social and economic development territories", "regional studies", "politics of regional development", etc. All these circumstances require a comprehensive theoretical study and coordination of both the conceptual apparatus and conceptual approaches to managing the regional development of the region.</p> <p>It is concluded that the management of regional development is usually understood as actions of the state, the purpose of which is to influence the socio-economic, political, and ecological development of individual territories. Accordingly, management of regional development is the purposeful influence of the state on the economic development of individual territories, in foreign literature it is defined as regional economic policy.</p>Roman Sobol, Maksim Bublii, Dmytro Kramskoi, Mariia Sobol
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Challenges and perspectives of public administration of education development in rural territorial communities
<p>The article is devoted to finding ways to improve public administration of education development in rural territorial communities. As part of this, a study of the reforming steps of the education system in Ukraine, the reorganization of the educational network, the processes of decentralization, acute problems in the educational sphere, the possibilities of the post-war recovery of Ukraine, including the educational component, strategies and models of the region's development in the context of focusing on rural territorial communities, specific characteristics of the development of educational processes in rural areas was implemented.. It was determined that the main goal of reforming the education system in Ukraine is to increase its competitiveness and integration into the single European educational space. Among the acute problems, the damage and destruction of the educational infrastructure, the decrease in the availability of education and, as a result, the decrease in its quality in general, the decrease in the personnel potential in education, especially in rural areas, forced resettlement of teachers and students with their families to other regions of Ukraine and countries of the world where they feel safe, and the threat of their non-return were noted. The main emphasis in the study is shifted to the problem of internally displaced persons from the perspective of scale, both in terms of numbers and territory, since displaced persons have settled unevenly throughout the country. A hypothesis was formed that if this problem is not solved today, serious challenges may arise for Ukrainian society in the future, which will cause social imbalances. As a result, the prospects for further research regarding the existing problem and the situational approach to its solution based on a client-oriented approach, which is expressed in the proposals presented in this article, are proposed. In particular, it is proposed to carry out client-oriented public administration based on the principle of people-centeredness, where a resident of a rural area will become the main creator of further improvement of public administration of the development of education in rural territorial communities, in order to preserve and increase the human factor in the village.</p>Victor Sychenko, Valeriy Marenichenko
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Financial and budgetary mechanism of public management of the construction and restoration processes: theoretical basis
<p>The financial and budgetary mechanism plays a key role in the reconstruction process in Ukraine, ensuring stable financing, transparency and accountability of management, effective allocation of resources, attraction of various sources of financing, including international donors, focusing on priority areas of reconstruction. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical foundations of the construction of the financial and budgetary mechanism of public management of reconstruction and restoration processes.</p> <p>The financial and budgetary mechanism of public management of reconstruction and restoration processes is proposed to be interpreted as a system of tools, methods and procedures that ensure effective planning, distribution, use and control of financial resources necessary for the implementation of reconstruction and restoration measures. Its goal is to mobilize and ensure the rational and effective use of financial resources necessary for the restoration and development of territories affected by military conflicts or natural disasters, as well as to create conditions for sustainable economic and social development in the long term.</p> <p>The research summarizes the elements of the financial and budgetary mechanism of public management of reconstruction and restoration processes, specifies its tasks, defines the subjects and objects of management, and substantiates the principles, methods and tools of management. It has been proven that the operation of the mechanism should be based on a few principles, including transparency, efficiency, accountability, priority, fairness, flexibility, long-term sustainability, innovation, cooperation, targeted use of resources. The main tasks of the mechanism are planning and budgeting, mobilization of financial resources, their distribution and use, control and audit, risk management, reporting and ensuring transparency, development of the institutional capacity of public administration subjects. Systematized financial and budgetary instruments of direct and indirect influence.</p> <p>An important direction of further research is the systematization of financial and budgetary tools of public administration, considering the features of specific reconstruction and recovery processes at the community level.</p>Viacheslav Zubenko
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Features of the formation of the innovation and investment system at the regional level
<p>The structure of the innovation and investment system in the region has been improved, in which: the program for the socio-economic development of the region is formed in accordance with the goals of state and regional economic policies; The program for investment and innovation development of the region consists of programs for the development of great investment and innovation business, scientific places, academic places, foundations of high light, programs for the development of leading investment and innovation business, science and technology centers, scientific research organizations and complexes, business incubators, technology parks , program for the development of small investment and innovation business, incl. venture; Financing of investment and innovation projects is provided for the following reasons: budget contributions (tax portion, resource rent); extra-budgetary funds (funds, deposits, shares); private deposits (on a permanent and timely basis).</p> <p>Concentration on this area of a whole series of mutually dependent organizations from various areas of activity (specialized employees; agents who provide services to private workers; scientific research organizations tsіi, Galuzev associations, chambers of commerce and industry), both competitors and partners, I affirm cluster. Clusters play a key role in scientific fields, since the effectiveness of the exchange of information and knowledge implies the presence of territorial proximity and direct communications between innovative subjects and activities. This is clearly demonstrated in the state of California, Silicon Valley. Venture capital is one of the widely used instruments for providing financial resources for innovative activities. This type of capital is located in the shareholder capital, usually of a small company, for the limited period of time necessary to capture profits from the commercialization of science-based products and investment Other risks. In this case, venture capital acts as a key factor necessary for the start of an innovative project. It is a common practice of the world to ensure the protection of intellectual power in modern innovative activities: in almost all countries there is a system of legislative acts that are regulated by the authorities and intellectual power. In this case, the science-based results of innovative activities are demonstrated to the wider public, and part of the income from commercialization is transferred to retailers. In connection with this, the system of ensuring the protection of intellectual power appears as one of the key mechanisms of the continuous evolution of human capital. The massive impact on the socio-economic efficiency of NIS, based on a wealth of research, gives the country the power to regulate innovative activities. In connection with this, there is a need for complementary research into the mutual influx of the market and power in the minds of the economy, which is based on knowledge. There are low factors that influence the role of government regulation in the process of ensuring innovative activity.</p>Oleksandr Kutovyi
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Theoretical principles of sustainable development of territorial communities: public administrative aspect
<p>The article establishes contradictions between the normatively fixed order of program management of the territory and the realization of the possibility of territorial communities to independently manage the administrative-territorial unit, implementing the provisions of the concept of sustainable development. Differences in the goals, tasks, indicators of the development of territorial communities during the implementation of socio-economic development programs and the implementation of the provisions of the state regulatory acts regarding sustainable development have been proven. It is noted that indicators of socio-economic development are not related to real management processes of the authority, although a significant part of them concerns the components of sustainable development: economic, social, environmental.</p> <p>The article proves that the introduction of reporting of executive bodies of local self-government to deputies and the population based on indicators of sustainable development can be carried out only with a paradigm shift from programmatic socio-economic management to a real assessment of the activities of local authorities. It was concluded that communities cannot carry out this change independently, it must be carried out systematically, centrally with methodical support from the state, as the introduction of new democratic forms of governance, unlike the traditions of the Soviet era.</p> <p>The analysis showed that in order to introduce indicators of sustainable development into the reporting of local self-government bodies on their activities, it is necessary to make changes to normative legal acts of different levels and of different legal weight. It is noted that the implementation of a complex combination of strategic planning taking into account the needs of the community, the peculiarities of the state of administrative-territorial units with the goals and indicators of sustainable development are the primary tasks of changing the development paradigm of our state and its territorial communities in the post-war period.</p> <p>The article emphasizes that the issue of territorial community management based on the concept of sustainable development will become a primary need after the end of the war, since for settlements affected by military actions, the issue of combining economic revival, social protection of the population, and environmental restoration in order to preserve resources for future generations will be the content of their existence.</p>Oleh Kravets
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Youth policy of Ukraine in post-war reconstruction: the european context
<p>Ukraine has faced the necessity of shaping a competitive youth policy during post-war recovery. The authors examine the public youth policy in Ukraine based on the priorities of European social quality policy, emphasizing the necessity of its utilization to preserve human capital in the conditions of war. The article summarizes approaches to global and European youth policies. It is noted that Ukraine's youth policy has evolved from a communitarian to a social-democratic model, reflecting the growing influence of civic activism among the youth. Providing equal opportunities and involving communities shape its modern perspectives.</p> <p>The transition from a social-democratic to a universalist policy of social partnership can evolve gradually with the increasing influence of youth as political subjects and requires effective communication between the government and youth. The model of social partnership in youth policy involves creating conditions for social protection for everyone, regardless of individual differences.</p> <p>The authors draw attention to the necessity of focusing on those segments of the population most affected by war in youth policy, which is more characteristic of social-democratic youth policy. Cross-sectoral social partnership is a synergistic mechanism for interaction between public and private actors, further developing in shaping youth policy. Youth policy is considered one of the fundamental factors of national security, and its quality will determine the political and economic subjectivity of the state in the future.</p>Viktoriia Sychova, Tetiana Samofalova
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Application of the us experience in the USА of artificial intelligence in ensuring the national information security of Ukraine
<p>The pace of artificial intelligence (AI) development continues to astound. Already, the world has divided into two camps: some calling for a halt to the advancement of powerful AI systems, while others announce integrations of AI-powered chatbots like "ChatGPT" into their platforms. With AI's pervasive spread and influence across nearly all spheres of human activity worldwide, new challenges and significant threats arise in implementing doctrines of national information security for all countries without exception.</p> <p>The article discusses the process of total globalization, where national information security becomes a leading factor in ensuring conditions for the realization of national interests and a state's ability to overcome crises in the face of external aggression. Timely and effective measures in managing information security by the state can mitigate threats to the socio-economic and political life of the country. Our focus should particularly be on information security in the United States, as our state's main and strategic partner, including in the realm of information security. Considering that the rapid development of artificial intelligence creates new challenges and opportunities for national information security, studying and borrowing the experience of leading actors in this field, including the United States, is extremely important for our state to ensure the protection of its national interests in the information sphere and information sovereignty.</p>Ivan Lopatchenko
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Transformations of public communications in the conditions of sociocultural environment development
<p>The article deals with the peculiarities of public communications transformation in the context of changes in the socio-cultural environment. A theoretical and methodological review of the peculiarities of public communications in socio-economic and geopolitical crises, digitalization, and e-government is carried out. As a result of the analysis of the latest European scientific research, it is determined that the greatest impact in the field of public communications is due to cultural transformation in the direction of hyperbolization of consumption, modernization, and changes in communication between institutions, authorities, organizations, and stakeholders. The features of the communication process in the public administration system are determined, taking into account the leading principles, such as reliability, clarity, dialogicity, scale, unity of effort, and leadership. The developed flowchart reflects the peculiarities of the communication process in public administration in the unity of functioning of subjects, stages, and the tools of interaction involved. As a result of the analysis of the factors influencing the content and nature of public communications, it is determined that modern communication processes are mostly transformed due to the development of the socio-cultural environment, the formation of a new digital society, which leads to a diversification of information channels and deepening of ties. One of the ways to transform public communications by the challenges of our time is to apply innovative forms of public administration, particularly flexible management technologies. The article considers the peculiarities of applying Agile technology in managing the development of public communications based on adaptability, predictability, flexible planning, and cooperation of cross-functional teams. Thus, public communications are considered as a decisive factor in achieving the effective functioning of the entire public administration system as a specific institutional instrument for the implementation of public policy. . We believe that the current transformations taking place in society now put forward new tasks of socio-cultural comprehension of reality and the introduction of new management approaches.</p>Victor Sychenko, Svitlana Rybkina, Elmira Sokolova
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Global health security index as a guideline for crisis management in ensuring resilience of the public health system
<p>The article substantiates the conceptual approaches, principles and integration aspects of ensuring the sustainability of the public health system based on the assessment of the vulnerabilities of the relevant system using the global health security index as a crisis management tool under conditions of uncertainty, risks and threats of dangerous events. The concept of "One Health" is used as an integrated approach to health security. It has been proven that the Global Health Security Index can be used as a reference for identifying threats and preparedness for epidemics and pandemics with the ultimate goal of reducing their consequences for health care systems and the economy, both nationally and globally. Emphasis was placed on the fact that the use of global research data, in particular the global health safety index (GHS), will contribute to the implementation of the main functions of the main expert institution in the field of public health - the "Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", in particular, with regard to coordination with issues of International Medical and Sanitary Regulations, as well as ensuring the functioning of national medical information systems for recording and analyzing data on infectious and non-infectious diseases. It is recommended to apply in practice the functioning of the national public health system integrated approaches based on international experience and practices related to the preservation of public health, based on its determinants, as well as the prevention of occurrence and response to dangerous events that may lead to the spread of mass infectious diseases and non-infectious diseases, other negative consequences.</p>Dmytro Karamyshev, Liudmyla Hordiienko, Nataliia Rodyna, Yuliia Didok, Serhii Zamchyi
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Ethical model of management: a conceptual approach
<p>The article is devoted to the question of the role of ethical management, which is proposed to be implemented in the format of a model. Because ethical management is conceived by the author as a dynamic and continuous process that needs to adapt to the changing internal and external context of the organization, such as industry, market, stakeholders, culture and values. Ethical governance benefits organizations by improving reputation, trust, loyalty, productivity and profitability, and by avoiding legal, regulatory and reputational risks. It is emphasized that ethical management can be implemented in the form of a model. In turn, an ethical management model requires awareness, commitment and action from all levels of the organization, especially top management. The author states that in order for the ethical model of management to become effective, it must first be guided by a certain set of criteria (components) that must be followed so that management within the organization and its development takes place in line with ethical principles and principles. The following are highlighted among them: honesty, integrity, justice, kindness, legality, perfection, leadership and responsibility. It is shown that conceptually ethical management can be implemented through a number of approaches. In particular, this traditional approach involves the implementation through society's perception of management as an ethical category, under the conditions of performance of the assigned tasks by the team without going beyond the framework of ethical norms and standards. A principled approach is based on the use of ethical criteria to guide behavior, actions and policies in an organization. The approach to the survey in the field of ethical regulation is based on short practical questions that regulate the behavior and process of ethical decision-making in the organization.</p> <p>It is concluded that each individual brings his own ethical profile to the workplace and is ultimately responsible for his actions or decisions from an ethical point of view. However, organizations can and do influence the quality of ethical decisions made by their leaders, managers, and employees, as well as the ethical principles they adhere to and refer to when making these decisions, thereby implementing ethical governance at work.</p>Oleksandr Shtyrov
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Analysis of the government policy of the reform of electronic health care and medicine of Ukraine
<p>The article substantiates the need for transformations of the government policy of electronic healthcare and medicine. The purpose of the article is to determine ways of further reforming electronic health care and providing electronic medical services in Ukraine based on the analysis of the current state of health care. Based on a study of the international experience of assessing the state of the health care sector (The Health Care Index, Global Health Security Index, Global Digital Health Index, Global Digital Health Monitor), it was determined that the health care sector of Ukraine is experiencing rapid growth, focusing on the development of such tools of the government mechanism for the e-health’s development such as health monitoring and organizational support for the provision of medical services. The directions of the government reform of e-health in Ukraine and the possibilities of using e-tools in medicine, medical services in conditions of war are analyzed. It has been proven that the widespread use of electronic tools, the use of medical information to monitor the health of the population and manage the work of the health care system of Ukraine allow for a flexible and quick response to situational management decisions, which determines the importance and necessity of the development of e-health. Under such conditions, the priority direction of the government policy of Ukraine in the field of health care is the further development of e-health, which has great potential for the sustainable development of the country and further European integration.</p>Halyna Byshenko, Yevhenii Avtomieienko
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Development of a system of measures regarding inclusion at the local level
<p>The development of a system of measures for inclusion at the local level is considered as an urgent problem with the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Russia. The problem of inclusion and adaptation of internally displaced persons in our country in the conditions of hostilities has been identified. According to the results of the study, it was noted that during this period more than 1.5 million Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes. It is emphasized that in the conditions of the armed conflict on the territory of our country, the importance of the problem of inclusion and adaptation of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in local communities in new territories is increasing significantly.</p> <p>A theoretical generalization of the features of the implementation of the system of inclusion measures at the local level in Ukraine was carried out, taking into account the specifics of urban and rural areas and their inclusiveness. In the modern approach to the construction and implementation of a system of inclusion measures at the local level in Ukraine under martial law, the following should be taken into account: adaptability to unforeseen situations, ensuring security and stability, involvement of the local community.</p> <p>The article examines the peculiarities of functioning and the main directions of development of the system of inclusion measures at the local level, taking into account the modern point of view. The components of the system of inclusion measures at the local level (functional components, tools and principles), as well as the peculiarities of their interrelationship, are substantiated. The identified principles can serve as a basis for effective public management of system development regarding inclusion at the local level, balance and interaction between state bodies, local self-government bodies and the public.</p>Lesia Bondarenko
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Problems of youth policy implementation in Ukraine and ways to overcome them.
<p>The article discusses the issue of youth policy implementation in Ukraine and the world. The practice of implementing youth policy in European countries has been studied. The normative and legal framework regulating the implementation of youth policy at the national and regional levels was considered, in particular, on the example of the Dnipropetrovsk region. The main reasons hindering the implementation of youth policy at the international, national and local levels have been identified. The issue of the activity of youth centers as one of the ways of implementing youth policy has been studied. Directions for the activation of the state youth policy are proposed.</p>Liliia Hyrenko
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Essence, basic principles, forms and functions of state anti-corruption policy
<p>The article examines the essence of anti-corruption policy, its background and its structural elements. Considering that corruption in the public sector distorts the powers and resources intended for the direct benefit of society, in order to protect the public welfare, it is very important to have effective mechanisms of corruption prevention, control and accountability to reduce corruption risks in the public sector. At the same time, it should be understood that the position and slogan "to fight corruption, you need to fight corruption" is false and erroneous. Its main mistake is that the fight against corruption can or should take place with the help of another anti-corruption campaign, the creation of new commissions and departments that promote ethical norms, and the constant preparation of new laws, decrees and codes of conduct. The issue of combating corruption, developing an effective and efficient anti-corruption policy of the state is extremely important and should be one of the priorities of any state that is interested, if not in eliminating and eliminating corruption, then at least minimizing its negative impact and eliminating the prerequisites for its further spread. It is the high-quality anti-corruption policy of the state that is decisive in the process of developing and implementing mechanisms and measures of the state and society aimed at eliminating the causes of corruption. Systematized and defined the main approaches used by scientists when developing their own formulations, modern scientific approaches in public management and administration regarding the national anti-corruption policy in the public administration system, the author's definition of the category "anti-corruption policy" was developed. Based on the results of the research and generalization, the main tasks and principles of the formation and implementation of the anti-corruption policy of the state were formed. The most common features used by foreign and domestic scientists to classify forms of anti-corruption policy have been determined. The basic functions of the state anti-corruption policy are highlighted (for example, the information-prognostic function, ideological-educational, preventive-regulatory and organizational-security function).</p>Alina Bogolepova
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Militarization of challenges and threats in cyberspace as an operational environment
<p>The target vectors for the protection of fundamental national interests of Ukraine in cyberspace are oriented not only to collective cyber security, which is implemented with the help of partner states and allies, but also to its own cyber defense system, which is not only able to compete in conditions of hybrid threats, but also to deter their aggressive and uncivilized orientation and countering them in cyberspace.</p> <p>Modern cyberspace is much more than just the Internet or a collection of any other computer networks, access to which is possible only through certain software applications, settings or authorization, or the use of standard and non-standard communication protocols or ports. All elements of networks (systems), access to which opens cyberspace, can be potential targets and potential threats.</p> <p>Cyberspace provides appropriate opportunities for both friendly or neutral forces (armies) and for the enemy (potential enemy). The dependence of the armed forces on cyberspace is associated with certain risks, but it also creates a need for the creation and development of the corresponding capabilities of the troops (forces).</p> <p>So, the article reveals the essence of the operational environment, which is a set of conditions, circumstances and factors affecting the use of forces and means. It is substantiated that its components are related to a specific physical or virtual space, as well as a set of capabilities of troops (operational, combat, special) and skills necessary for planning and conducting operations.</p>Yevhen Zhyvylo
Copyright (c) 2024 State Formation, 12 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000