Mathematical modelling of growth process of the cylindrical shape of the malignant tumor, coaxial with the capillary feeding it

  • N. S. Ponomarenko Kharkov National Medical universit
  • V. G. Knigavko Institute of medical radiology S.P.Grigorieva
  • Y. G. Knigavko Institute of medical radiology S.P.Grigorieva
  • L. V. Batyuk Kharkov National Medical universit
Keywords: mathematical modelling, growth of the malignant tumor, oxygenation, normoxia, hypoxia


Mathematical modelling of growth process of the cylindrical shape of the malignant tumor, coaxial with
the capillary feeding it was developed. The malignant tumor with the hypoxic regions and the tumor
having both normoxic and hypoxic regions were considered. Analytical expressions describing
dependence on time of the sizes of the tumor, and the malignant tumor with the hypoxic, normoxic,
proliferation and unproliferation sizes was obtained.


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Author Biographies

N. S. Ponomarenko, Kharkov National Medical universit

4 Lenin ave., Kharkiv, 610022, Ukraine

V. G. Knigavko, Institute of medical radiology S.P.Grigorieva

82 Pyshkinskay str., Kharkiv, Ukraine

Y. G. Knigavko, Institute of medical radiology S.P.Grigorieva

82 Pyshkinskay str., Kharkiv, Ukraine

L. V. Batyuk, Kharkov National Medical universit

4 Lenin ave., Kharkiv, 610022, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Ponomarenko, N. S., Knigavko, V. G., Knigavko, Y. G., & Batyuk, L. V. (1). Mathematical modelling of growth process of the cylindrical shape of the malignant tumor, coaxial with the capillary feeding it. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(26). Retrieved from
Biophysics of complex systems