Pressing Problems of Public Administration <p>The collection of scientific works comprises seven sections and elucidates problems theory and history of public administration, philosophy of public administration, functioning of mechanisms of public administration, local government and public service.<br>This publication is designed for scientists, public servants, undergraduate and graduate students, professorial staff interested in addressing problems of public administration.</p> <p>Since 2005 he has been included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, in which the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences can be published. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 28.12.2019 No. 643<br>the collection was assigned category “B” (as amended from 09.08.2022 No. 724).<br>Field of knowledge “Public management and administration” in accordance with the current list of fields of knowledge. Since 2017 collection has been indexed by Index Copernicus International.</p> en-US Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Digital mechanisms for public participation in crisis management of post-war recovery based on digital technologies <p>This paper examines the methodological foundations for studying digital mechanisms of public participation in crisis management during Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction. The author conceptualizes these mechanisms as complex socio-technical systems that integrate institutional, technological, and social dimensions. Employing a systems approach, the research illuminates the interaction between e-participation components within the turbulent post-war environment. The institutional lens enables analysis of formal and informal ‘rules of the game’ that structure the space of online democracy. The participatory focus emphasizes citizens’ role as co-creators of recovery and reconstruction policy. The network perspective highlights the horizontal, collaborative nature of digital communication amongst stakeholders. Particular attention is devoted to the potential of decentralized information platforms (blockchain, DAO) in synergy with big data and artificial intelligence. International case studies illustrate the distinctive features of e-engagement in post-war settings. Based on this analysis, the paper proposes a conceptual model for a digital ecosystem of public participation tailored to post-war Ukraine’s realities (Rebuild Ukraine e-Participation Ecosystem, RUEP). The research outlines implementation prospects and challenges for the coming years. The methodology integrates general scientific approaches, specialized methods for analyzing digital participation, and cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives. This paper should interest e-democracy researchers, public administration practitioners, and civic activists.</p> Dmytro Karamyshev Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Using information policy tools for public governance in emergency situations <p>The article explores the unique aspects of leveraging information policy tools to ensure effective public administration during emergencies. Through an in-depth analysis of international practices in utilizing modern information and communication technologies to facilitate communication between authorities and citizens during crises–particularly in the United States, the United Kingdom, Poland, Germany, and Japan–the author identifies key principles and mechanisms for organizing information exchange under emergency conditions. The study delineates three critical phases of informational support during emergencies: (1) the preparation and early warning phase to alert the population about potential threats, (2) the operational response phase focused on mitigating the immediate impacts of the crisis, and (3) the recovery and normalization phase following the resolution of the emergency. The author emphasizes the vital importance of clearly defining roles and responsibilities among various government bodies in crisis communications, alongside the necessity of designating a central coordinating authority responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive information policy. The article thoroughly examines the advantages and limitations of both traditional and modern channels and tools for information exchange, including official government websites, social media platforms, messaging applications, and specialized mobile apps. Based on the identified challenges in the interaction between public administration and the population during emergencies in Ukraine, the author proposes a set of priority measures to enhance effectiveness. These include the development and implementation of a national communication strategy for emergencies, strengthening interagency coordination and clarifying responsibilities, leveraging modern digital technologies more actively, and establishing high-quality, real-time feedback mechanisms with citizens. The conclusions underscore the necessity of developing a systemic national information policy as an essential component for improving crisis public administration, integrating global best practices with the unique realities of Ukraine. The results of the study can be used in the practical activities of public authorities to build effective crisis communication systems and increase public confidence in government actions during emergencies.</p> Viacheslav Dziundziuk Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Adaptive budgeting in conditions of emergency situations and military uncertainty: the role of digital tools in public financial management <p>The article “Adaptive Budgeting in the Context of Emergencies and Wartime Uncertainty: The Role of Digital Tools in Public Finance Management” addresses the theoretical and practical aspects of using digital technologies to enhance the flexibility and adaptability of the budgeting process in highly volatile conditions. The study emphasizes the unique challenges posed by prolonged wartime uncertainty in Ukraine and explores opportunities for post-war recovery through the integration of digital tools such as scenario modeling and machine learning. The research is structured into three key sections. The first part outlines the theoretical and methodological foundations of adaptive budgeting, defining its essence, principles, and critical role in emergencies. It examines the specific features of budgeting in crises and the importance of digital technologies in ensuring responsive and flexible resource allocation. The second section provides a comparative analysis of global best practices, focusing on the application of scenario modeling, machine learning, and open-budget systems. It identifies challenges and opportunities in implementing these tools under conditions of uncertainty. The third section proposes directions for improving adaptive budgeting in Ukraine, offering practical recommendations for integrating digital technologies into the public finance management system. The study is grounded in a systemic approach, viewing the budgeting process as a complex adaptive system that responds to external changes through feedback mechanisms and resource flexibility. Using methods of analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis, and scenario modeling, the research identifies the key factors affecting adaptability and substantiates ways to enhance it through digitalization. The informational base includes scientific literature, Ukrainian regulatory acts, and data from institutions such as the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and international organizations like the IMF and OECD. Key findings highlight the transformative potential of digital tools in public finance management during crises. Global experience demonstrates that technologies such as cloud computing, predictive analytics, and blockchain significantly improve transparency, inclusivity, and efficiency in resource allocation. However, successful digital transformation requires more than technology; it depends on cultural shifts, the development of digital competencies, and robust collaboration between stakeholders. The article concludes with specific recommendations for Ukraine. These include leveraging predictive analytics to enhance financial planning, integrating blockchain to ensure transparency and trust in financial transactions, and expanding participatory budgeting practices. The study underscores the importance of systemic digital transformation in public finance to address the challenges of resource scarcity, economic volatility, and fiscal risks. Implementing adaptive budgeting, supported by advanced technologies, can become the cornerstone for Ukraine’s sustainable recovery and its alignment with European integration objectives. The practical implications of this research extend beyond crisis response, offering a foundation for long-term fiscal resilience. By integrating global best practices and adapting them to Ukraine’s unique context, adaptive budgeting can provide the agility and accountability needed to rebuild a nation on principles of transparency, inclusivity, and sustainable development.</p> Vitaliy Kruhlov, Dina Tereshchenko Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Macroeconomic effects of centralized and decentralized digital platforms for business activities recovery in Ukraine <p>The paper explores the macroeconomic effects of the development of centralized and decentralized digital platforms and their role in reviving business activity in Ukraine. The authors analyse the transformational impact of platforms on traditional sectors of the economy, the labour market, and the system of public governance. Special attention is paid to the synergy of platforms with other digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things. The article conceptualizes the platform economy as a new stage of capitalism, characterized by a shift in emphasis from the production of goods and services to the creation of a technological infrastructure for the interaction of economic agents. Platforms act as intermediaries that provide a link between producers and consumers, suppliers and customers, employers and employees. They create conditions for the realization of network effects and the reduction of transaction costs and information asymmetry. Using the automotive industry as an example, the authors examine changes in business models under the influence of the “mobility as a service” concept and the sharing economy. The authors also investigate the phenomenon of policy isomorphism, when political institutions begin to imitate the logic of platforms’ functioning. Based on the analysis of international experience and Ukrainian cases of platformization in retail, transport, and financial services, the authors offer recommendations for state policy to stimulate the development of the platform economy in Ukraine. In particular, they emphasize the need to adapt the regulatory environment, develop digital infrastructure and skills, support domestic innovations, and ensure the inclusiveness of platform services. The article has an interdisciplinary character and will be of interest to researchers, policymakers, and practitioners dealing with the digital transformation of the economy and society. The authors conclude that the successful transformation of Ukraine’s economy towards a more platform-oriented model will depend on the ability of all stakeholders <em>–</em> business, government, and consumers – to effectively respond to these challenges and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the platform economy.</p> Igor Dunayev, Nataliia Lugovenko, Nataliia Gryshina Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Problems and prospects of the mechanism of state management of land relations <p>The article is devoted to the problems and prospects of the mechanism of state management of land relations. It is emphasized that state management of land relations is necessary in view of the importance of land as a basic resource for ensuring the economic, ecological and social development of the state, the main needs for such management are highlighted: effective use of land resources; guaranteeing property rights and use; ecological sustainability; social balance; economic development; protection of national interests. The article emphasizes that the mechanism of state management of land relations is a key element in ensuring the effective use, protection and distribution of land resources. The main mechanisms of this regulation include legal, economic, administrative and environmental instruments. Problems and issues of a debatable nature regarding the mechanism of state management of land relations are identified, namely: the need to harmonize land legislation, especially in the context of integration into international standards, the choice of the optimal model of land relations management: centralization or decentralization; methods of taxation of land resources; determining the boundaries between economic efficiency and environmental sustainability; centralized control or localized support programs; transparency and prevention of corruption.</p> <p>The tools of an integrated mechanism are proposed to determine the optimal balance between centralized control with uniform standards and flexible localized programs that take into account the specifics of local conditions. We will highlight the areas of improvement of the mechanism of state management of land relations: reforming the regulatory framework; developing institutional infrastructure; optimizing economic instruments; improving the monitoring and control system; developing public-private partnership, integrating the principles of sustainable development.</p> <p>Problems and issues of a debatable nature regarding the mechanism of state management of land relations have been identified, namely: the need to harmonize land legislation, especially in the context of integration with international standards, the choice of the optimal model of land relations management: centralization or decentralization; methods of taxation of land resources; determining the boundaries between economic efficiency and environmental sustainability; centralized control or localized support programs; transparency and prevention of corruption.</p> Lesya Vasilieva Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Public-private partnership as a mechanism for attracting human resources in the reconstruction of sports infrastructure in post-war Ukraine <p>This article explores the problem of staffing the restoration of war-damaged sports facilities through the use of public-private partnership (PPP) models. The authors note the exacerbation of the pre-war shortage of qualified personnel in the industry and the growing demands of digital transformation, which actualize the search for innovative forms of interaction between the state, business and education. A literature review revealed the fragmented nature of research on the personnel aspects of PPPs, especially in the context of post-war reconstruction. At the same time, the US experience in strategically attracting foreign specialists for the development of critical industries is interesting. The research results reveal the key factors of the effectiveness of public-private partnerships for attracting human resources in the process of rebuilding sports infrastructure in the conditions of post-war transformation. Attention is paid to the use of digital technologies to optimize cooperation between public and private project participants. Based on leading global practices, the authors propose a conceptual model of «Strategic Partnership for Sustainable Recovery». <br>It provides for selective projects, involvement of experienced international operators, integration of sustainable development and inclusion goals into contracts, flexible risk-sharing mechanisms, and targeted employment programs for vulnerable groups. Basic scenarios for the development of PPPs are substantiated, with a focus on the formation of internal human resources through training, professional development and dual education. The creation of industry personnel consortia is proposed to coordinate diverse initiatives. The article contains valuable theoretical generalizations and practical recommendations on unlocking the human resource potential of PPPs as a driver of the innovative revival of Ukraine’s sports infrastructure in the post-war period.</p> Natalia Stativka , Kateryna Bodnar Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Mechanisms for ensuring the economic security of Ukraine in the context of market economy formation: strategic challenges and prospects <p>The &nbsp;article is devoted to the study of mechanisms for ensuring the economic security of Ukraine in the conditions of the formation of a market economy, with an emphasis on strategic challenges and development prospects. The work compares Ukraine’s approaches to ensuring economic security with other countries, such as Turkey, Kazakhstan, the Baltic states, Azerbaijan, and Israel, which are at the intersection of the geopolitical interests of major powers. First of all, the economic stability of Ukraine is analysed in the context of global challenges, such as war, inflation and currency fluctuations. According to the World Bank, Ukraine’s GDP will decline by 29.1% in 2022, the deepest drop since independence. However, in 2023, the economy showed recovery with GDP growth of 3.5%, which indicates a certain adaptability of the economic system to wartime conditions. A comparative analysis with Turkey and Israel demonstrates different approaches to ensuring economic stability, based on macroeconomic policies, investments in the technological sector and support of the national currency.</p> <p>The second part of the article is devoted to resource independence, in particular to the management of natural resources and the development of renewable energy sources. Ukraine has significant potential for reducing the energy intensity of the economy and increasing the share of renewable energy sources. An important example is provided by the experience of Israel and the Baltic countries, which were able to reduce their dependence on energy imports through integration into European energy systems and innovations in the field of energy saving.</p> <p>The last part of the article focuses on financial security, in particular strengthening the banking system and stabilizing financial markets. Ukraine demonstrates a gradual strengthening of the banking sector, but remains vulnerable to external financial shocks. A comparison with Kazakhstan, Turkey and the Baltic states shows that Ukraine needs further reforms to improve regulatory oversight, reduce the level of non-performing loans and develop financial technologies. The main conclusion is that integration with the European economic system, diversification of the economy and the introduction of innovations in the financial sector are key tasks for ensuring the long-term economic security of Ukraine. Using the experience of other countries, such as Israel and the Baltic states, can contribute to the development of effective strategies to overcome existing challenges and increase Ukraine’s competitiveness on the world stage.</p> Denys Papyrin Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The equalization system of local budgets in Ukraine: effectiveness and pathways for improvement <p>The article is devoted to the analysis of the effectiveness of the financial equalization system in Ukraine and the development of proposals for its improvement in order to reduce disparities between territorial communities and ensure equal access of citizens to public services regardless of their place of residence. The authors consider the theoretical foundations of financial equalization, its functions and international experience, focusing on the requirements of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. Based on the analysis of statistical data on the volume and dynamics of basic and reverse subsidies, their share in GDP and local budget revenues, as well as indicators of differentiation of territories’ tax capacity before and after equalization, the authors conclude that the current system in Ukraine only partially fulfils its function. In particular, the volume of the basic subsidy is insufficient to ensure the financial capacity of all communities, and the gap between «rich» and «poor» territories remains excessive even after equalization. <br>The article proposes a number of ways to improve the domestic model of financial equalization. Among them: expanding the list of payments taken into account when calculating subsidies; increasing the amount of funds allocated for equalization; introducing a multi-level equalization system with differentiation of calculations for different categories of communities; revising the fundamental principles of the system in the context of post-war recovery. The authors emphasize the need to develop new approaches to assessing the effectiveness of financial equalization in terms of its impact on the quality of life of community residents and the level of human and infrastructural capital of territories.</p> Yanina Kaziuk , Viktor Ventsel Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Transformation of the public procurement and finance system in the digitalization context: what are the risks and opportunities for Ukraine’s economic recovery during wartime? <p>The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the transformation of Ukraine’s public procurement system in the context of digitalization and post-war recovery. The study aims to substantiate the potential of the ProZorro digital platform as a tool for ensuring transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the use of budget funds in the context of Ukraine’s economic recovery. The author traces the evolution of the domestic public procurement system, noting significant progress in overcoming historical problems of opacity, corruption, and inefficiency through the introduction of the innovative ProZorro solution. At the same time, the article identifies new challenges associatedwith adapting the system to the extraordinary conditions of martial law, particularly the risks of limiting competition due to the growing share of non-competitive procedures. Based on the analysis of ProZorro’s functioning during the war, the author reveals the platform’s potential as an instrument for effective integration and monitoring of the use of international aid for Ukraine’s reconstruction.</p> <p>Special attention is paid to the prospects of involving domestic small and medium-sized businesses in public procurement through the ProZorro system, which can become a powerful driver of economic recovery in the regions. The article emphasizes the need for synergy between ProZorro and advanced digital technologies, such as blockchain, BIM modelling, and smart contracts, which can provide an unprecedented level of automation, security, and transparency in procurement processes. However, the author substantiates the need for a comprehensive and systematic approach to transforming the public procurement ecosystem, combining technological innovations with improvements in the legal framework, user competence development, and expanded collaboration formats between the state, business, and the public. The conclusions underscore that only with the consistent digitalization of all stages of procurement, integration with other e-government components, and building a space of trust among stakeholders, ProZorro can become a reliable foundation for the fair and sustainable economic recovery of Ukraine.</p> Mariana Shvaiko Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 How does the «Brussels effect» shape new standards? The impact of the GDPR data protection standard and other EU initiatives on Ukraine and countries outside the European Union <p>This article examines the impact of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on countries beyond the borders of the EU, with a particular focus on Ukraine, through the lens of the «Brussels Effect» concept. The purpose of the article is to unveil the role of the «Brussels Effect» in shaping global standards for personal data protection and its influence on the regulatory adaptation processes of Ukraine and other Eastern Partnership countries to GDPR requirements, based on theoretical and empirical analysis. The methodology employed in this article relies on an eclectic combination of conceptual-theoretical approaches and empirical methods from the arsenal of legal sciences, political analysis, economics, and sociology. This methodological diversity is driven by the need for a holistic understanding of the multidimensional phenomenon of the «Brussels Effect» and its impact on various aspects of personal data regulation. The authors analyze how the GDPR de facto creates a transnational legal regime for personal data protection, compelling third countries to adapt their legislation to European standards. Based on a comparative case study of Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova, common patterns and specific factors of the harmonization process with GDPR are identified – ranging from the intensity of digital trade with the EU to the political will of national stakeholders. The authors argue that despite the powerful transformative influence of the GDPR, its effective implementation critically depends on the local institutional ecosystem and a cultural revision of attitudes towards privacy. Therefore, full-fledged adaptation to the GDPR requires targeted efforts at all levels – from modernizing legislation to strengthening the capacity of regulators and shaping a proactive stance of citizens. Drawing on a matrix of 6 key dimensions (regulatory framework, institutional model, law enforcement, etc.), practical recommendations are provided for enhancing the extraterritorial effect of the GDPR in the Eastern Partnership region, taking into account the security challenges of hybrid warfare for Ukraine. The article contributes to the current discussion about the EU’s new role as a global regulatory player in the digital age.</p> Oleksandr Udovenko , Larysa Velychko Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fіscal policy as an instrument of state national security provision <p>The article highlights the obstacles to combining budgetary and tax policy in Ukraine in the context of hostilities. The ways of ensuring national security are outlined. One of them is fiscal policy, which allows governments not only to counteract economic downturns, reduce unemployment, and ensure price stability, but also to counteract internal and external threats. The purpose of this study is to analyse Ukraine’s fiscal policy under martial law, to formulate problematic issues in the implementation of this policy, and to identify ways to improve the mechanism of developing and implementing this policy in the post-war period in order to strengthen national security</p> <p>During the period of martial law, fiscal policy has taken on new characteristics and new tasks. The time has come to plan the reconstruction of Ukraine and to incorporate into the strategies not only the strengthening of security, law and order, the improvement of the efficiency of public financial management, and the increase of budget revenues, but also new fiscal policy priorities. The sequence of reforms and their timing are important, and improving the efficiency of the use of existing public funds should be implemented in accordance with European principles and standards. Based on the above, we can identify the most problematic issues of state regulation of financial flows in the current environment, i.e. the implementation of the state’s fiscal policy. The first is the relevance of taxes to the needs of both the state and economic entities. The second is to determine the scope of further use of artificial intelligence in the field of public finance and to assign responsibility for the performance of artificial intelligence to a specific public administration body. The third is the low level of efficiency, transparency, and public accountability of public administration bodies responsible for tax control and public finance management. The fourth is the low ability of law enforcement agencies to deter economic crimes due to complicated and time-consuming procedures and weak ties with international organisations. The fifth is the ineffectiveness of regulatory mechanisms, inconsistent legal regulation of relations in the tax sphere in the face of a significant budget deficit. The sixth is the uncertainty of the mechanism for establishing assets and financial liabilities in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The seventh is the lack of clear criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the state’s fiscal policy.</p> Svitlana Klimova , Karina Halynska , Nadiya Myrna , Dmytro Komuniar Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 From hierarchy to flexibility: a new governance model for sustainable development <p>The paper emphasizes the importance of transforming the governance model of the sustainable development system, given the inadequacy of the hierarchical approach in both maintaining the internal balance of the system and ensuring its harmonious development in the interests of future generations, as well as in providing a timely and effective response to current challenges and conditions in relation to other state programs. The purpose of the article is to scientifically define and theoretically substantiate a new approach to building sustainable development management processes based on the experience, principles, and methodologies of flexible management, as a concept for a potential crisis response model for government in processes of recovery and post-war development. The author emphasizes that building a sustainable economy oriented towards new technological structures requires a new human-centered management system that incorporates these principles and is capable of promptly responding to emerging challenges and risks. The author notes that the main key elements in constructing a flexible governance system for sustainable development processes include: the formation of an ideological foundation and a new philosophy in the perspectives on the effectiveness of governance processes, ensuring coherence and quality of feedback, as well as timeliness and impartiality in monitoring the progress of processes. This requires comprehensive analysis that combines the balanced stability of a structured and controlled hierarchical model with the flexibility and adaptability of the new approach to achieve the system’s internal balance. It is essential to prioritize the principle of optimal resource utilization and the state’s ability to reveal its untapped intangible potential, created based on flexible management principles that can both facilitate regenerative processes “here and now” in the ongoing active combat period and ensure the achievement of sustainable development goals in the future. The article reveals the theoretical foundations of defining the phenomenon of flexible governance as a concept for a new model of public-private partnership and management processes within the sustainable development system.</p> Oleksiy Gibadullin Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Public administration of agricultural lands through the development of a state land policy strategy <p>This article addresses the theoretical aspects of public administration of agricultural lands, with a focus on incorporating strategic vision into land resource management through the development of a state land policy strategy. The aim of the article is to theoretically substantiate the “framework” of a new concept for Ukraine’s state land policy strategy, based on a functional analysis of the public governance aspects within the land sector. This encompasses goals, plans, programs, strategies, and concepts, covering various directions of land policy. It is highlighted that agricultural lands constitute a significant portion of the country’s total land area and have suffered the most severe negative impacts from the full-scale war, including removal from circulation due to occupation, landmines, and contamination. The article emphasises that strategic governance in public administration is not a new process in state policy development, as it is regulated by the existing legal framework, and strategic state governance is already underway at the national level. The article concludes that, in the current context of ongoing martial law and considering the prospects of post-war recovery, there is no comprehensive strategic vision for a unified state land policy. Such a vision is essential to provide a systematic and objective understanding of the current state of Ukraine’s land resources, outline existing problems, set the goals and principles of state land policy, identify its strategic objectives, implementation stages, and include critical components such as monitoring and anticipated outcomes. It is recommended to develop a state land policy strategy, with a detailed structure comprising specific components (sections). This strategy should become a comprehensive document that integrates the various fragmented aspects of land policy currently scattered across numerous existing documents — goals, plans, programs, strategies, and concepts. Furthermore, it should serve as a pragmatic response to societal demands for effective tools to address pressing issues in land relations.</p> Kostyantyn Rybalko Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Development of the innovative potential of public service for providing high-quality and inclusive digital public services <p>The article presents the main idea that the development of innovative potential will significantly increase the efficiency of civil service and public administration. The analysis method used in the study allows us to conclude that the term ‘innovative potential of the civil service’ is not defined, but its basic component category - ‘innovative potential’ - characterises the innovative potential of the civil service from the resource-approach perspective. The obtained results make it possible to identify the main internal and external factors influencing the development of the innovative potential of the civil service, the understanding of which will help to increase the effectiveness of public innovation measures, in particular, in the Strategy of Innovative Development of Ukraine until 2030. Using the generalisation method, the author studies the practice of different countries (Brazil, Great Britain, Kosovo, Latvia, Finland, Romania) in creating conditions for preserving, developing and using the innovative potential of the civil service, including the OECD Innovative Capacity Framework, in which the innovative potential of the civil service is a combination of four structural components (purpose, potential, capacity, impact) and is considered at three levels: an individual civil servant/team, a&nbsp; governmental organisation, and the administrative system as a whole. The article proposes a systemic and holistic approach to the development of the innovative potential of the civil service. It focuses on the full use of the potential of human resources, inter-institutional cooperation and digitalisation, which can help to achieve optimally positive results of the innovation process in the public sector. The basis for the innovative potential of the civil service, developed through the systemic and holistic approach, is laid by the idea common to all parts of this process i.e. purposefulness, continuity, perspective, and inclusiveness. The systemic and holistic approach involves the introduction of innovative methods of encouragement, in particular methods of influencing the consciousness and behaviour of civil servants, which stimulate the development of needs, abilities, and skills of innovative activity in the civil service.</p> Svitlana Gazarian Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Foreign experience of legal regulation of public administration in emergencies and martial law: lessons for Ukraine in the third year of wartime <p>This article analyzes the foreign experience of legal regulation of public administration in emergencies and martial law, with a focus on lessons for Ukraine during the third year of war. The study highlights the unprecedented challenges facing Ukraine, including a prolonged war, large-scale destruction, and a humanitarian crisis, underscoring the relevance of this research. The author conducts a comparative analysis of crisis public administration models in countries such as Israel, Croatia, Georgia, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Based on this analysis, the key principles of successful crisis management are identified, including flexibility, adaptability, attention to communication, and innovation. The article outlines how these practices can be adapted to the Ukrainian context. Specifically, it explores the potential for implementing Israel’s decision-making analytical infrastructure, Croatia’s reintegration experience, Georgia’s digitalization of public services, and South Korea’s strategic planning approach. At the same time, the author emphasizes that the mechanical adoption of foreign practices without considering Ukraine’s unique cultural, political, and economic characteristics may be ineffective. A creative approach and inclusive public dialogue are necessary to build a sustainable and adaptive public administration system in Ukraine. Attention is also given to global transformations affecting public administration systems: the breakdown of the international order, the rapid development of digital technologies, and the crisis of traditional educational models. The article argues that effectively addressing modern challenges requires not only institutional changes but also a deep transformation of administrative culture, the development of crisis communication strategies, institutional capacity-building, and the adoption of artificial intelligence technologies. The conclusions emphasize the uniqueness of the Ukrainian context, which creates opportunities for innovative approaches to crisis management. Ukraine has the potential to become a model of successful democratic transition and a leader in regional integration if it strategically assesses and adapts the best practices of other countries.</p> Hanna Honcharenko Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The model of hybrid influence in the information sphere <p>An analysis of the specifics of the functioning and essence of the model of hybrid influence in the information sphere was carried out, as a result of which it was established that with the growing threat of cyber-attacks by national states, hackers and criminal organizations, it began to affect the way the world sees the Internet. Inadequate management of cyber threats puts users at risk, undermines trust in the Internet, and jeopardizes its ability to drive economic and social innovation. But at the same time, a misinformed and disproportionate response by authorities can potentially threaten Internet freedom and create an atmosphere of fear, uncertainty and doubt. Therefore, the future of the Internet and its continued growth will be determined by how governments and private organizations collectively respond to the scope and scale of cyberattacks.</p> <p>As governments feel pressure to mitigate the effects of cyberattacks, there is a growing risk that online freedoms and global connectivity will be severely curtailed in favor of national security. To avoid this, new models of incentives, accountability, and responsibility are urgently needed to increase cybersecurity readiness, reduce vulnerabilities, and ensure end-user security. The complexity and scale of cyber-attacks require a multi-stakeholder and expert-led response to keep the digital economy thriving and to restore confidence in internet security. Neither the public nor the private sector can handle the scope and scale of cyber threats alone. Because of the interconnected nature of the Internet, actions taken by individual stakeholders will do little to mitigate or eliminate cyber threats. Usually, the state reacts to new cyber threats, guided by the need to “do something” in the face of increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks. However, such reactive responses will not effectively mitigate the threat and will lead to over-regulation. Effective action and network resilience to cyber threats can only come about through information sharing, strategic thinking and collaborative efforts by all stakeholders.</p> <p>It is argued that how stakeholders adapt to future cyberattacks could transform the Internet from a platform of openness and collaboration to a fragmented, closed, and insecure network environment. A fundamental change in the architecture and basic principles of the Internet could create a dystopian future of a protected walled garden, filtering access without encryption, anonymity, or privacy. The national security of nation-states will eclipse the freedoms and rights we now take for granted, creating a battle between perceived national security interests and end-user security measures. This can be avoided if the long-discussed need for a global cyber security culture takes on new relevance and urgency as cyber security becomes everyone’s responsibility. At the same time, cyber governance can no longer remain solely in the hands of the authorities, as the risk of being subjected to cyber-attacks is constantly increasing. Much of the global Internet infrastructure today is developed, owned and maintained by private actors, and due to the complexity and scale of cyber-attacks, governments alone are unable to provide inclusive and expert-led regulatory responses, and therefore private actors need to be encouraged to join discussions about the future of the Internet.</p> Anton Khryapynskyi Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative methodology for evaluating digital and platform technologies in public finance: will the human factor be under control? <p>The article explores an approach to implementing modern digital technologies, such as blockchain solutions, in the public finance management system, considering global experience. The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for the implementation of digital technologies into the existing public finance management mechanism of modern Ukraine to reduce objective risks from the “human factor” in corporate and public management, and, in accordance with the goal, 5 research tasks are set and solved in the article. The author analyzes key challenges in public finance management, particularly the negative impact of the human factor, and proposes solutions aimed at minimizing errors, enhancing transparency, and reducing corruption risks. Existing methodologies and frameworks for evaluating digital technologies, such as the digital maturity models of the OECD, the World Bank, ISO 37122, as well as methodologies from NIST and the EU, are examined. The study develops a new methodological approach to the comprehensive evaluation of technologies, encompassing six key criteria: process automation, transparency, security, decentralization, efficiency, and implementation cost. A technology assessment system is proposed for each criterion, along with a mathematical model for calculating an integrated indicator. This methodology enables the classification of technologies as either key or auxiliary in the context of the digital transformation of the public finance management mechanism. The article emphasizes the unique potential of decentralized technologies, such as blockchain, in minimizing the impact of the human factor. The primary contribution of the study lies in creating a scientific basis for enhancing the efficiency of public administration by introducing modern digital technologies capable of minimizing the adverse effects of the human factor. Applying the developed technology evaluation methodology will provide a well-founded means to identify priority areas for the digital transformation of Ukraine’s public finance management system, taking into account global experience and national specifics.</p> Oleksandr Basiuk Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 National macrofinancial stability in the context of cyber threats <p>This article addresses the critical issue of ensuring state macrofinancial stability in the face of growing cyber threats. Financial market stability forms the foundation of any country’s economic development and prosperity, as it ensures efficient capital movement, reduces uncertainty, and promotes investment growth. However, this stability is vulnerable to various external and internal threats, particularly cyber risks, which can significantly disrupt financial institutions’ operations and even cause serious economic turmoil. The author emphasizes the critical importance of this issue in the era of digital economic transformation, where financial systems become increasingly vulnerable to potentially catastrophic consequences of cyberattacks. The article analyzes the main channels through which cyber incidents impact financial stability, including payment system disruptions, loss of investor and consumer confidence, and critical service failures due to the interconnectedness of financial institutions. Special attention is paid to cyber readiness challenges in developing countries, which often lack sufficient resources and experience to effectively counter digital threats. The author emphasizes the necessity of developing and implementing comprehensive national cybersecurity strategies that would define clear objectives, priorities, and mechanisms for protecting financial infrastructure. These strategies should be based on global best practices and encompass a wide range of measures: from establishing an effective regulatory framework to investing in human capital development. The article also emphasizes the importance of enhancing international cooperation to strengthen cyber resilience, considering the cross-border nature of digital threats. In this context, the key role of global institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, in providing technical assistance to countries, conducting training, and developing universal cyber risk assessment tools is noted. Overall, the article contributes to the study of financial sector cybersecurity issues and offers the author’s vision for addressing them at both national and international levels.</p> Yevhen Zhyvylo Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Foreign experience of public administration in emergency situations <p>The article examines international practices in public administration during emergencies, with a focus on adapting them to Ukraine’s specific realities. The relevance of this topic is highlighted in the context of increasing natural, technological, and humanitarian crises, which demand effective performance from public institutions. Special attention is given to the challenges posed by Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine, accompanied by widespread destruction and socio-economic crises. The article reviews best practices in public administration during emergencies implemented in countries such as the United States, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, Israel, Canada, and Australia. Key elements of their crisis management models are identified, including: a multi-level institutional structure with clearly defined powers; legal frameworks for crisis management based on overarching laws and action plans; advanced communication strategies to ensure timely public information dissemination; the use of innovative technologies such as geographic information systems, artificial intelligence, and drones; and active collaboration between government agencies, local authorities, civil society organizations, and the private sector. The analysis concludes that effective crisis management integrates centralized strategic leadership with broad autonomy for regional and local authorities. Particular emphasis is placed on Israel’s experience, especially its strategic communication models, the involvement of volunteer organizations, and the practice of preparing citizens for military-related emergencies. The necessity of implementing a national early warning system, developing situational centers, and digitizing management processes in Ukraine, particularly for emergency forecasting, is underscored. Specific recommendations are provided for improving the legislative framework, enhancing institutional capacity, adopting modern technologies, and developing effective communication strategies. The paper outlines prospects for further research aimed at incorporating international experience into Ukraine’s legal and administrative framework and formulating practical recommendations to optimize the functioning of public authorities and local governments during crises.</p> Dmytro Kashchenko Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sports infrastructure in the era of global transformations: rethinking approaches to public governance amidst multiple risks <p>This article addresses the pressing issue of public governance of sports infrastructure in an era of global change. The author analyzes the impact of technological, social, geopolitical, and value-based transformations on the state, functions, and requirements of sports facilities. The article highlights the growing public expectations regarding the quality and functionality of infrastructure, the intensifying competition among countries for prestigious sporting events, and the increasing role of the private sector in financing the industry. At the same time, traditional management approaches are proving inadequate due to excessive budget expenditures, lack of transparency, and vulnerability to security threats. The article systematizes the key challenges for Ukraine, including the destruction of infrastructure due to Russian aggression, corruption risks, high maintenance costs, and damage from hybrid threats. It emphasizes the need to develop a comprehensive Strategy for the industry’s development based on transparency, inclusivity, and resilience. Priority areas for modernization include implementing «green» technologies, flexible architectural solutions, public-private partnership (PPP) models, digital security platforms, and public control mechanisms. The application of emergency engineering and military logistics approaches in rebuilding damaged facilities is also considered promising. The author concludes that the systematic implementation of global best practices can transform Ukrainian sports infrastructure from a post-Soviet burden into a driver of national development. However, the main condition for success lies in changing the management philosophy in favor of creating public value, stakeholder collaboration, and the active formation of a sustainable ecosystem for the industry’s development.</p> Volodymyr Kushnir Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Transformation of the technical regulation system in the European Union <p>the article examines the evolution of the technical regulation system in the European Union (EU) and its impact on international trade. The authors analyse the key stages of the development of technical regulation, from the use of Old Approach directives to the introduction of the New Approach and the establishment of the New Legislative Framework. The study focuses on the harmonization of standards, implementation of conformity assessment procedures, strengthening of market surveillance, and minimization of technical barriers to trade. Special attention is paid to the unique model of technical regulation in the EU, which fosters economic integration, ensures a high level of safety and product quality, and supports the competitiveness of goods in international markets. The article highlights the historical aspects of the system’s development, its influence on the formation of the single European market, and its effectiveness in creating a transparent and harmonized regulatory environment. Particular focus is given to the prospects of Ukraine’s integration into the European technical regulation system. The significance of the Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACAA) is discussed, as it offers Ukrainian manufacturers access to the EU market without additional certification. This approach will facilitate trade, reduce export costs, enhance product competitiveness, and promote economic cooperation with EU countries. The research methodology is based on historical, systemic, and comparative methods of analysis, ensuring a comprehensive approach to studying the topic. The research logic is built on a chronological review of the development of the EU technical regulation system, which allowed identifying its key stages, transformations, and adaptation to modern challenges. The results of the study highlight the importance of technical regulation as a tool for economic integration and competitiveness, as well as its significance for harmonizing international trade. Recommendations are presented for improving Ukraine’s national technical regulation system based on European experience, particularly by incorporating international standards and requirements.</p> Viktoriya Sokolova Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Public-private partnership in sports in the context of war and post-war reconstruction: challenges, lessons, old and new principles and institutions <p><em>T</em>his article presents a comprehensive analysis of the transformation in models and principles of public-private partnership (PPP) in Ukraine’s sports sector under the unprecedented challenges of war and post-war reconstruction tasks. Drawing on the theoretical foundations of institutionalism, the authors examine the evolution of organizational and economic mechanisms for PPP implementation in Ukraine until 2022, identifying key issues: fragmented legislation, unclear procedures and guarantees for investors, lack of institutional capacity and coordination of government actions, high corruption risks, and public distrust in non-transparent agreements. The destruction of approximately 40% of sports infrastructure and sharp reduction in budgetary funding for the sector highlight the urgent need to attract private capital through PPP. Meanwhile, these extraordinary conditions create opportunities for institutional innovations – more flexible, transparent, and socially-oriented forms of partnership. Successful PPP cases during wartime demonstrate the crucial role of informal institutions – trust between partners, adaptability, and stakeholder engagement. The authors substantiate the necessity of systemic reforms: transition to market-based PPP models, digitalization of procedures, legislative consolidation of modern partnership forms, and development of specialized institutions and personnel. The article provides valuable conceptual generalizations and practical recommendations for managers, businesses, and scholars, outlining promising directions for further research. The work demonstrates the potential of PPP as a catalyst for positive change even in crisis conditions. Simultaneously, it proves that partnership success is determined not only by formal norms but also by «soft» sociocultural and value factors – the ability of government, business, and society to develop a new philosophy of cooperation for the common good.</p> Volodymyr Bulba , Serhiy Fedchenko Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Transformation of remote personnel management methods under the conditions of marital state <p>The article reveals the essence of remote work and remote personnel management under martial law. The main idea of the paper is to identify and analyse changes that have occurred in personnel management methods due to the need for a mass transition to remote work in wartime conditions. The authors consider both general trends (related to the development of technologies and experience of working during quarantine restrictions) and specific ones (inherent specifically to the Ukrainian economy under martial law). On the basis of a detailed analysis, the main key problems of the Ukrainian labour market in the conditions of martial law and their impact on the implementation of personnel management are highlighted. The prerequisites for the introduction of a remote form of employment in Ukraine are disclosed, and it is proposed to classify them into general (inherent in all world markets) and special (typical for Ukraine and a response to challenges related to military aggression). Opportunities for employers and employees provided by remote work are indicated. A review of the experience of countries with advanced management technologies and a long-term state of permanent military operations, which have cases of developed methods in the field of overcoming the consequences of war, and the experience of international companies implementing advanced personnel management methods, was conducted. Emphasis is placed on the need to develop practical recommendations for the use of modern methods and a wide range of personnel management tools in modern Ukrainian conditions. On the basis of the analysis of the achievements of domestic companies, the strengthening of the importance of methods of motivation, adaptation and prevention of stress, burnout and depression is substantiated in view of the negative consequences of such psychological problems for achieving the goals of the organization. On the basis of the generalization of the main theoretical approaches, the point of view regarding remote work, the importance of strengthening the adaptation of personnel to new operating conditions, the development of a number of motivational measures and the need to ensure the mobility of the workforce is substantiated.</p> Yevheniya Hordiienko , Vira Kozhurina Copyright (c) 2024 Pressing Problems of Public Administration Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000