Pressing Problems of Public Administration <p>The collection of scientific works comprises seven sections and elucidates problems theory and history of public administration, philosophy of public administration, functioning of mechanisms of public administration, local government and public service.<br>This publication is designed for scientists, public servants, undergraduate and graduate students, professorial staff interested in addressing problems of public administration.</p> <p>Since 2005 he has been included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, in which the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences can be published. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 28.12.2019 No. 643<br>the collection was assigned category “B” (as amended from 09.08.2022 No. 724).<br>Field of knowledge “Public management and administration” in accordance with the current list of fields of knowledge. Since 2017 collection has been indexed by Index Copernicus International.</p> V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University en-US Pressing Problems of Public Administration 1684-8489 Digital Nomads: Global Tourists or New Workers for Post-War Economic Recovery of Ukraine? <p>The paper offers the authors’ perspective on the new global problem of digital nomads as a potential resource and as a socio-economic problem of post-war Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to determine the contours of the future state migration and internal economic policy of post-war Ukraine for the culturally and politically successful attraction of digital nomads to Ukraine. The first half of the article offers a comprehensive theoretical overview of the essence and structural morphology and models of the modern concept of “digital nomad”, referring to authoritative Western literature. The second half of the article offers its own synthesis and induction of the conditions, factors and consequences of the involvement of digital nomads in post-war Ukraine, abstracting from other factors that will be the trigger and macro signal for digital migration to Ukraine. The pper concludes that, taking into account the high level of competition for talented digital nomads, the state policy of Ukraine should emphasize unique advantages - high qualification of IT specialists, a favorable tax regime, permission for settlements secured by tokenized assets, conditions for easy realization of investment opportunities in post-war economy, which will 100% need creative solutions and startups. The basis for the successful involvement of digital nomads should be the coordinated work of various branches of government: from changes in legislation and digitalization of public services to effective international marketing of new conditions and opportunities, as well as ensuring the appropriate level of security and basic household amenities in selected hubs</p> Ihor Dunayev Dmytro Kostennikov Volodymyr Kushnir Copyright (c) 2023 Pressing Problems of Public Administration 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 63 6 24 10.26565/1684-8489-2023-2-01 Theoretical Aspects of Shaping a Regional Resilient System of Industrial and Personnel Recovery in the Post-War Period <p>The article focuses on the importance of a methodological approach to building a system for sustainable industrial recovery and attracting qualified labor to the regional economy even during wartime. The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate the conceptual apparatus and methodological-theoretical basis for the restoration of industrial potential in Ukrainian regions during the period of martial law. The author notes that a key element in the process of forming a system of sustainable industrial recovery is understanding the scale of damages and the availability of qualified labor for recovery based on sectoral priorities. This requires a broad scientific perspective on this extraordinary problem and, consequently, a comprehensive approach. Such an approach would combine both the analysis of the current state of industrial facilities and the determination of the need for personnel and resources for modernization, taking into account both local resources and external factors, including the availability of financing, technological innovations, and international support. Currently, there are still certain terminological and scientific «gaps» in the principles of organization of recovery and the conceptual apparatus related to the restoration processes in the industrial sector of Ukraine today. The article reveals the terminology for revising the system of sustainable industrial recovery during the period of martial law and post-victory as a prerequisite for post-war recovery and sustainable development of the regions, which is a basic condition for searching and implementing ways to optimally use available resources, overcome technological gaps, and create conditions for the return of skilled migrants to Ukraine</p> Oleksii Gibadullin Viktor Kosenko Copyright (c) 2023 Pressing Problems of Public Administration 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 63 25 43 10.26565/1684-8489-2023-2-02 Public Administration in a Context of Engaging Local Communities for Solar Energy Spreading: Analysis of Innovative Models and Challenges for Ukraine <p>The article examines the opportunities and challenges related to the implementation of innovative solar energy models in urban and rural (settlement) territorial communities. It is identified that in urban communities, where there is high competition for space, solar energy opens up new possibilities for sustainable development through the integration of solar panels on the roofs of buildings, in office centers, and other urban structures, contributing to the reduction of dependence on traditional energy sources and decreasing carbon emissions. Innovative solutions, such as solar roads and facades generating energy, demonstrate significant potential for further integration into urbanized environments. At the same time, rural (settlement) areas face their own set of challenges and opportunities in using solar energy, where the lack of access to centralized energy supply makes it an ideal solution for providing local communities with electricity. Solar systems can be installed on individual houses, in schools, and hospitals, not only providing them with electricity but also contributing to social and economic development. Particularly, in the context of ensuring safety and improving the comfort level of local residents, the use of autonomous street lighting systems in remote areas, capable of operating without connection to the electrical grid due to being fully powered by solar energy, which is unlimited in supply and harmless to the natural environment, deserves special attention.</p> <p>Moreover, the agricultural sector can also reap significant benefits from the development of solar energy by using photovoltaic systems for irrigation, ventilation, and other needs of farming operations. At the same time, the transition to solar energy is accompanied by certain challenges, including integration into existing power grids, energy storage, regulatory and financial barriers, etc. However, progress in battery technology development, improvements in the political and economic climate, and increasing public support are contributing to the industry’s development. The article analyzes how solar energy can transform urban and rural landscapes, creating new business models and promoting sustainable and economically viable futures. A series of successful solar energy use cases that demonstrate its potential for urban and rural (settlement) areas are considered. The article emphasizes the importance of integrating solar energy into the overall energy system and the need to focus joint efforts of public authorities, business structures, and civil society to overcome existing challenges. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the comprehensive analysis and synthesis of contemporary cutting-edge approaches to the implementation of projects in the field of solar energy, which can ensure efficient use of solar energy under the conditions of various types of territorial communities, which is extremely relevant under the conditions of post-war recovery and development.</p> Yuriy Orel Roman Rychka Copyright (c) 2023 Pressing Problems of Public Administration 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 63 44 55 10.26565/1684-8489-2023-2-03 The Crowdsourcing Concept and Crowd-Based Technologies as Principles for Increasing the Efficiency of Local Self-Government <p>The article substantiates the relevance of the study of the concept of “crowdsourcing” and crowd-technology as a basis for increasing the efficiency of the functioning of local self-government. The conceptual and categorical apparatus of the determined subject of research is analysed. In particular: a variety of approaches to defining the concept of crowdsourcing (method, model, form, method, tool, technology, process, approach, practice, mobilization, etc.); approaches to understanding the phenomenon of crowd-technologies: managerial, marketing, financial-economic and informational. It is pointed out the forms of crowd-technology activities developed in the domestic practice of public authorities (labour activities, financial activities, optimization activities).</p> <p>The leading principle of crowdsourcing is determined - self-organization, the ability of the community to produce an optimal solution in the discussion process. Attention is focused on such a feature of crowdsourcing as the participation of interested users of administrative services in the management of the territorial community, which involves direct participation in the development, adoption and implementation of management decisions regarding all those issues that relate to the well-being and life of the community, which radically changes the motivation and behaviour of participants in management relations</p> <p>The list of principles of crowdsourcing determined by scientists was supplemented with the following principles: cooperation, partnership interaction with a wide range of actors, coordination of efforts to solve certain problems of local development; joint production of public goods and products; consensus orientation, strategic vision, response, accountability of authorities; innovativeness; recognition of the values of collective intelligence in solving problems, etc. The experience of implementing crowdsourcing projects at the local level was analysed, which were related to different goals in their essence, and therefore had a certain set of advantages for employees of local self-government bodies in Ukraine.</p> <p>It is noted that crowdsourcing technologies change approaches to solving complex problems, at the same time act as the main tool for forming strategies for the development of territories, with the participation of interested users of administrative services, which radically changes their motivation and behavior, turning them into active participants in the management of the socio-economic development of the territorial community.</p> <p>It was concluded that the concept of crowdsourcing was formed, the following was developed: a certain system of views on the understanding of the conceptual and categorical apparatus, the approaches were distinguished and the principles were determined, the observance of which makes it possible to master crowd technologies, depending on their type, type and scope of application, classifications were systematized for the use of certain crowdsourcing technologies in the management activities of public authorities.</p> Ludmyla Prykhodchenko Copyright (c) 2023 Pressing Problems of Public Administration 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 63 56 68 10.26565/1684-8489-2023-2-04 Compliance with the Requirements of Ukrainian Legislation on the Provision of Administrative Services in Administrative Centers of Eastern Ukraine <p>This paper presents the results of an independent assessment of administrative service centers in Eastern Ukraine. The evaluation was conducted in the summer of 2023 using the open-source research method (OSINT) - official websites of city councils or their administrative service centers. The study was carried out based on ten criteria stipulated by Ukrainian legislation on the provision of administrative services. Sixteen territorial communities, which are district centers of Eastern Ukraine and were not occupied by the enemy at the time of the study, were evaluated. The assessment revealed that none of the communities fully complied with all the legal requirements for the provision of administrative services. It was found that the requirement regarding the publication of contact information and details about the access regime to the premises was most fully met. However, the most frequently violated requirement was regarding the reception of visitors until 20:00 and the publication of information about the availability of public transport connections</p> Oleg Konotoptsev Copyright (c) 2023 Pressing Problems of Public Administration 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 63 69 83 10.26565/1684-8489-2023-2-05 Digital Services as Tools for Implementing the ‘Public Participation 2.0’ Concept in Post-War Recovery in Ukraine <p>The article presents an attempt to solve the complex problem of the formation and implementation of the state policy of digitization in the post-war and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine by highlighting the practical aspects and risks of using digital services as tools for the implementation of the concept of “public participation 2.0”.</p> <p>It was found that an effective tool for solving the problems of post-war and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine is a target plan aimed at: compensation for the losses caused by the war; acceleration of socio-economic recovery and growth; improving the quality of life. The strategic goals of the recovery plan of Ukraine in the direction of digitalization include the following: formation of a developed digital economy / IT industry; restoration and development of digital infrastructure; citizens and businesses have access to high-quality, affordable and convenient public services, digital solutions and electronic identification; strengthening cyber security and resilience of digital infrastructure; involvement of a public initiative with the support of international technical assistance, as well as business projects using web technologies.</p> <p>Among the key problems and associated risks of the implementation of the concept of “Public Participation 2.0” and the implementation of technological solutions based on Web 2.0 in the processes and projects of reconstruction in the war and post-war period, the emphasis should be focused on the problems of duplicating the functionality of various institutions and information content. Authors stressed on inconsistency of interaction with the final beneficiaries, which leads to excessive regulation, untimeliness of operational decision-making and response to requests, as well as to the irrational use of resources aimed at the post-war restoration of facilities and infrastructure with using modern digital technologies.</p> <p>It has been proven that digital technologies, in particular, Web 2.0 technologies, should become the driver of post-war modernization of Ukraine, and a special role in this process belongs to public authorities, territorial communities and proactive public structures, as direct subjects of reconstruction processes in the war and post-war period. They are tasked with creating comprehensive recovery plans for their territories; their executive bodies create various advisory bodies, commissions and advisory councils, which adopt, or contribute to, transparent, impartial and professional decision-making on compensation for destroyed real estate objects, since reconstruction projects that are already being implemented are usually supported by budgets communities.</p> <p>A clear understanding is offered regarding the further capabilities of using the “Public Participation 2.0” model and Web 2.0-based solutions in projects of in the wartime and post-war recovery in Ukraine, which consists in optimizing and increasing efficiency of digital services and applying more productive communications with communities</p> Dmytro Karamyshev Viacheslav Dziundziuk Copyright (c) 2023 Pressing Problems of Public Administration 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 63 84 98 10.26565/1684-8489-2023-2-06 Specifics of Interaction Between Authorities And Community in the Conditions of Digitalization of a Public Administration System <p>The article was prepared within the framework of the implementation of the grant project No. 2022.01/0144 „Implementation of the concept of „Public participation 2.0” for the reconstruction of the city of Kharkiv in the war and post-war periods”, financed by the National Research Fund of Ukraine. Digitization of society has a significant impact on all spheres of life, including the public administration system. The introduction of digital tools and platforms transforms the ways in which the government and the community interact, making them more open, transparent, interactive and accountable. This article explores the specific features of the interaction between the government and the community in the context of the digitalization of the public administration system. The article develops a typology of models of interaction between the government and the community in the digital environment. It identifies and substantiates the advantages and challenges associated with the digitalization of government-to-community interaction. The article also develops practical recommendations for improving government-to-community interaction in the context of digitalization. The research results can be used to improve the public administration system, increase the level of citizen participation in decision-making, increase transparency and accountability of the government, and develop e-democracy.</p> Vitaliy Solovykh Copyright (c) 2023 Pressing Problems of Public Administration 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 63 99 110 10.26565/1684-8489-2023-2-07 Exploring and Acquiring Modern Human Resource Competencies in Cybersecurity Amidst State Digital Transformation <p>This paper validates the relevance of contemporary electronic communication systems, networks, and hardware and software suites and tools being particularly susceptible to cyber influences. The goal of the article is to concisely summarize international experience in modern human resource competencies within the cybersecurity domain and to identify their components according to specific directions.</p> <p>The paper examines current international trends regarding the formation of a minimal necessary package for creating, implementing, technical support, and enhancing an information security and cyber defense management system. This necessitates the development of a digitally aware society by the state, a crucial area of its internal policy. It emphasizes the undeniable fact that the demand for cybersecurity professionals will continually grow as high-technology society advances. In the context of the state’s total defense, the role of unified training for defense force personnel and the civilian sector in cybersecurity is beyond doubt.</p> <p>It is concluded that the main focus in forming Cybercom of partner countries is adequate funding, careful selection of personnel, quality professional training, and ensuring full interoperability of diverse structural units of subjects ensuring information protection and cybersecurity at the state level. The share of cyber threats is increasing, and this trend will intensify over the next decade as the internet technology sphere is developing rapidly, and digital solutions are being used in combination (e.g., artificial intelligence and blockchain). For instance, current Russia is one of the main threats to national and international cybersecurity, actively implementing the concept of information confrontation based on a combination of destructive actions in cyberspace. An increase in conflicts between states and the intensity of intelligence and subversive activities in cyberspace is expected. The number of states seeking to form their own cyber-intelligence, master the latest methods of destructive influence in cyberspace, and strengthen state control over the state segment of the Internet is growing. The technical level of cyber threats is increasing, and new tools and mechanisms for cyber attacks are constantly being improved and developed</p> Yevhen Zhyvylo Copyright (c) 2023 Pressing Problems of Public Administration 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 63 111 127 10.26565/1684-8489-2023-2-08 From People to Public Policy: the Role of Human Capital in Sustainable Post-War Development of Ukraine <p>The crucial role of human capital in enhancing the effectiveness of public governance systems and the principles of new public policy is investigated in the context of sustainable development and the most relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The analysis begins with an overview of human capital as a fundamental asset for socio-economic development, highlighting its impact on innovation, productivity, and overall economic growth. The research methodology includes the application of several general scientific methods for literature review and concise analysis of official data, emphasizing the interrelationship between investments in human capital and improved governance outcomes. Key findings indicate that regions with higher levels of education, health, and skills among the population tend to demonstrate more robust governance and sustainable development indicators, as well as resilience to severe shocks (such as war), and this represents a manageable policy parameter for governments. The paper also discusses challenges and opportunities for optimizing human capital, including policy recommendations for education, healthcare, and workforce development to support sustainable development in line with the UN’s rationale. Through its analysis, the article contributes to strategic planning and public policy formulation, which is crucial for more effective utilization of human capital for regional development and better public governance.</p> Kateryna Bodnar Copyright (c) 2023 Pressing Problems of Public Administration 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 63 128 142 10.26565/1684-8489-2023-2-09 Genesis of Shaping a Concept of Environmental Safety in a Global Social and Political Thought and Political and Legal Practice <p>The article carries out a retrospective analysis of the genesis of shaping a concept of environmental security in world social and political thought and political and legal practice. The phenomenon of ecological security is considered as one of the most important issues of today’s reality, which reflects the influence of human activity in various fields on the natural environment is acute and is an urgent problem of our time, which actualizes the need for scientific understanding of phenomena and processes of both global environmental changes and direct human influence on the public environment in the context of public management and regulation processes of ensuring environmental security of national states and the whole world community It is emphasized that the global level of environmental security problems requires appropriate global response: understanding, conceptualization and development appropriate planetary strategy and public policy of environmental protection security and institutionalization of interstate, national and social structures necessary for the implementation of such a policy. It was concluded that the concept of environmental security, which originated on the border 18th–20th centuries, began to receive its scientific and social and political interpretation in the 20th century, but arose most acutely from the beginning of the third millennium, when humanity became aware of the threatening patterns of further increasing anthropogenic harmful impact on the environment. The issue of environmental safety were regularly considered at the highest level of the UN conference. However, the desired the result has not yet been achieved and the «window of opportunity» for humanity is getting narrow</p> Oksana Radchenko Copyright (c) 2023 Pressing Problems of Public Administration 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 63 143 159 10.26565/1684-8489-2023-2-10