The integrative role of classical universities in contemporary Ukraine

  • Kateryna Mykhaylyova Kharkiv University of Humanities People's Ukrainian Academy, 27 st. Lermontovsky, Kharkov 61024, Ukraine,
Keywords: university, classical university, functions of university, integration


The article is devoted to presenting classical universities as the key players in the educational space of Ukraine. The aim of the article is to identify the integrating role of classical universities today. To achieve the goal methods of systematization and classification are used. It is shown that in western classifications this type of universities is absent; in domestic classification the same practice of positioning the classical universities for nominal distinguishing them from other types of universities, for emphasizing the primacy of their appearance and special role in the domestic field of education, is maintained. Based on the analysis of the various classifications of higher education institutions and selection criteria of classical universities the conclusions about the basic features of this type of universities and their effective use in the national university education sector are done. Some problem areas in the implementation of integration functions of classical universities are formulated. The potential of this type of educational establishment in the integration of Ukrainian society at the present stage is determined.


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Author Biography

Kateryna Mykhaylyova, Kharkiv University of Humanities People's Ukrainian Academy, 27 st. Lermontovsky, Kharkov 61024, Ukraine,

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Department of Sociology,


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How to Cite
Mykhaylyova, K. (2017). The integrative role of classical universities in contemporary Ukraine. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, (1-2), 65-69. Retrieved from