Consequences of the Genocide of the Crimean Tatar People in the Years of the Second World War, Ethnic Restrictions During Postwar Decades Through the Prism of Ethnosocial Transformations of the Contemporary Crimea

  • Refik Kurtseitov Engineering and Pedagogical University of Crimea, 8, Training lane, Simferopol, Crimea, 95000,
Keywords: the Second World War, repressed peoples, Crimean Tatars, Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, national policy, genocide


The article analyzes the ethnodemographic situation in the pre-war Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the impact of the consequences of the Second World War on the total population of the peninsula. The change in the ethnic structure of the population as a result of repression on the ground of ethnicity, eviction of the Crimean Tatar people and ethnic groups is shown. The policy of the Soviet totalitarian regime in relation to repressed peoples in the post-war period. The influence of legislative and normative acts of the USSR on repressed peoples, on the legal status, ethnocultural and national development of the Crimean Tatars is considered. Negative consequences of prolonged retention in the places of special settlements, the elimination of the ethnonym, the exclusion from the register of peoples and languages of the USSR are studied. A rigid ban on return and residence in the Crimea is revealed. Repressive measures against members of the national movement are revealed. The change in the position of the people in connection with democratization in the USSR and the beginning of mass return to their homeland is pointed out. Inconsistency in the adoption and implementation of decisions of the state concerning the Crimean Tatar people is indicated. The complex of unresolved problems in various spheres of people's life is evidentiated.


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Author Biography

Refik Kurtseitov, Engineering and Pedagogical University of Crimea, 8, Training lane, Simferopol, Crimea, 95000,

PhD in Sociological Science, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Socio-Humanitarian Discipline


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How to Cite
Kurtseitov, R. (2018). Consequences of the Genocide of the Crimean Tatar People in the Years of the Second World War, Ethnic Restrictions During Postwar Decades Through the Prism of Ethnosocial Transformations of the Contemporary Crimea. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Sociological Studies of Contemporary Society: Methodology, Theory, methods", 39, 222-233. Retrieved from
Empirical Researches of Modern Society