The factors of trust in the police

  • А. А. Бова
Keywords: trust in the police, European Social Survey, correlation analysis, regression analysis


The paper analyzes the correlation between socio-economic development of society, the spread of values and trust in the police. Using regression analysis of data of the fifth round of the European Social Survey (2010) identified the main factors affecting the credibility of the police in Ukraine (different aspects of the police and the courts, the fear of crime and criminal victimization).
It was found that the high level of trust in the police contributes to the promotion of public law enforcement agencies in combating crime.


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How to Cite
Бова, А. А. (2016). The factors of trust in the police. «SOCIOPROSTIR: THE INTERDISCIPLINARY ONLINE COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS ON SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK», (5), 55-61. Retrieved from