Features of civil protection implementationin the context of the local self-government reforming in Ukraine

Keywords: voluntary fire brigade recruitment, emergency situation, reformation of local self-government, united territorial community, civil protection.


The purpose of the paper is to study theoretical, legislative and normative principles of civil protection implementation in the context of local self-government reforming in Ukraine. Analyzing and generalizing the scientific work of many scholars, implementation of legal acts, the main functions of local self-government bodies in civil protection implementation for the population have been researched. A detailed assessment of the legal and regulatory framework of civil protection for the population has been carried out. Pressing issues in the system of public management for civil protection of the population in territorial communities have been investigated, as well as the main functional powers of local self-government bodies have been determined.

Based on results of the study, the structure of the territorial subsystem of the unified state civil defense system, where the superintendent is the head of the united territorial community, has been proposed. The organizational structure of civil defense of the united territorial community, which includes the head of the united territorial community, a structural unit for civil protection, a local fire and rescue unit, voluntary fire brigades, specialized civil protection services, has been developed.

The comparative analysis of the ratio of the firefighters' number to the number of population in countries of the world has been carried out. In Ukraine, the number of firefighters taken from the total population amount is 0.10% (compared with 3.96% in Austria, 3.45% in the Czech Republic, 2.81% in Sweden). The estimated need for firefighters in Ukraine is 300,000, which requires recruitment of local fire brigades (extra 1860 teams, 24 thousand people) and the development of the movement for voluntary fire brigades.

The vistas for the further research in this field are the analysis, systematization and generalization of information materials for the operation of civil protection systems at the local level in different countries of the world.


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How to Cite
Pakharenko, O. (2017). Features of civil protection implementationin the context of the local self-government reforming in Ukraine. Social Economics, 53(1), 101-109. https://doi.org/10.26565/2524-2547-2017-53-15