• Євген Валентинович Заїка
  • В’ячеслав Володимирович Сервінській
Keywords: personality reflexivity, emotional intelligence, professional self-identifi cation, structure of personality, senior juvenile age, junior adolescent age


Personal development distinguishing marks of a senior school student are being examined. Personal indexes were studied with the Karpov Method of Refl exivity Investigation, M. Hall’s Emotional Intelligence Method and J. Holland’s Test of Professional Type of Personality. It was found out that gender and age differences aren’t vast in general. Two different tendencies of those traits interrelationships were discovered. Girls’ structure changed from less concerted to more consensual. Boys’ personality structure developed from contradictive to loosely coupled.


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How to Cite
Заїка, Є. В., & Сервінській, В. В. (2017). INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN REFLEXIVITY, EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND PROFESSIONAL IDENTIFICATION OF SENIOR STUDENTS. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. A Series of «Psychology», (62), 48-52. Retrieved from