The model of optimization of strategy of preventive maintenance of technical systems

  • Николай Серафимович Подцыкин
Keywords: mathematical model, complex system, deterioration of the technical system, operation system, management strategy, the state of the system


The problem of optimization of reliability level and operability of the composite technical system is discussed. The composite system is considered as a finite set of the simple subsystems that aim to achieve a common goal, but operate independently of each other. In the course of work, each simple subsystem wears out, its reliability decreases raising the probability of failure. In the constructed model, the reliability level of a subsystem is characterized by its state described by the values of some controlled parameters. This state changes are determined in the model by some stochastic process. The subsystems are updated by control actions (managements) taken during the routine monitoring at the planned moments of time. The choice of management from a set of admissible ones depends on the identified state and the management strategy. The task is to find such monitoring period for the given composite system and the management strategy for each simple subsystem that provide the optimum level of reliability.


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How to Cite
Подцыкин, Н. С. (2016). The model of optimization of strategy of preventive maintenance of technical systems. Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series «Mathematical Modeling. Information Technology. Automated Control Systems», 31(1), 82-93. Retrieved from