Model of Translation Competence Personal and Instrumental Components Formation in Teaching Future Translators and Interpreters.

  • А. С. Ольховська
Keywords: future translators and interpreters, model of personal and instrumental components formation, structure of the model, translation competence.


The article is devoted to the problem of developing a model of translation competence personal and instrumental components formation in teaching future translators and interpreters. Developing a model requires studying the basics of the modelling in pedagogy, in particular determining the meaning of the notion of “model”, the principles and stages of its building. In the methodological literature the notion of “model” is defined as a complex of components which is identical to the object studied and which indirectly demonstrates its structure, content and interrelations among its components. The main principles of modelling include: visualization, definiteness and objectiveness. The stages of building a model are: structuring (singling out the main components of the model), arranging (creating the general structural scheme) and regulating (determining the guidance influence). Our model of translation competence personal and instrumental components formation in teaching future translators and interpreters was developed on the basis of the given definition of the notion of “model” and the principles and stages of the process of modelling and consists of the following structural components: set of aims, methodological set, set of organization and contents, evaluating set, set of result and conditions of effective translation competence personal and instrumental components formation. The last constitute the backbone elements of the model and include: 1) organization of the professional translators’/interpreters’ training on the basis of the translation market demands; 2) development of the methodology of translation competence personal and instrumental components formation on the basis of the translation industry standards and the translator competence profile developed by the European Master’s in Translation; 3) formation of the instrumental component in both translation and interpretation; 4) harmonious combination of instrumental component formation with the formation of translation/interpretation skills. The perspective of our research is to carry out further studies in the field of translation competence personal and instrumental components formation.


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How to Cite
Ольховська, А. С. (2017). Model of Translation Competence Personal and Instrumental Components Formation in Teaching Future Translators and Interpreters. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (29), 110-122. Retrieved from