Ways of overcoming difficulties while learning phraseological units in multinational groups of students-philologists.

  • V. Misenyova
Keywords: comparative analysis, foreign students-philologists, national and cultural component, phraseological units with no direct equivalents, semantization.


The article deals with the description and systematization of the difficulties while learning phraseology in multinational groups of students-philologists. The author considers the comparative analysis as one of the leading directions in learning phraseology which is a linguistic basis of the language teaching methods in training foreign phraseology and allows not only to predict the interference of a great number of phraseological units, but also to interpret language material in a methodical way proceeding from specific goals and problems of training the target language. Comparison of Russian and Ukrainian phraseological units and the student’s native language has allowed the author to allocate several groups of phraseological units with different degree of similarity: from full coincidence of semantics, stylistic colouring and initial image (an internal form) to phraseological units with no direct equivalents in other languages.

Relying on observations of Russian and Ukrainian linguists and methodologists and also on the author’s experience of teaching foreign students-philologists, it should be noted that the difficulties in learning phraseology in foreign audience are caused by the fact that the European and Eastern language systems have distinctions at all levels: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, and also in the field of graphics. From the point of view of national consciousness typical difficulties are shown, first of all, in case of perception of verbal images of Russian and Ukrainian phraseological units. For example, for foreign students there are absolutely alien images if they don’t know that these images are connected with the Russian and Ukrainian folklore. Lexical difficulties are found in perception of semantic meanings of the words with no direct equivalents in other languages.

Comparison of phraseological units gets a special practical sense in the linguocultural aspect which promotes not only the expansion of the students’ background and the formation of their linguocultural competence, but also allows to warn the specific mistakes caused by the interference and to eliminate the influence of the students’ native language and culture.


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How to Cite
Misenyova, V. (2017). Ways of overcoming difficulties while learning phraseological units in multinational groups of students-philologists. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (29), 90-100. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/language_teaching/article/view/8106