About the methods of overcoming the difficulties in learning verbal aspects by Turkmen students.

  • Т. А. Іванова
  • Т. І. Курилюк
Keywords: category, comparison, imperfective aspect, perfective aspect, verb.


The verb is one of the most difficult parts of speech to study in a foreign audience. Verbs with their abundance of forms in languages of various grammar systems possess different features and their functionalities differ as well. Incorrect usage of aspect forms of Russian verbs is caused by a whole range of problems encountered by Turkmen students. To make Turkmen students successfully understand the category of verbal aspect, a Russian teacher has to explain the concept of perfective and imperfective aspects. Aspect essence – aspect singularity – of Russian verbs, which is different from tense forms, is revealed using information on completion, semelfactiveness and inception of an action as well as on its incompleteness, continuity, and repetitiveness.

When teaching verbal aspects in Turkmen groups, there is no need to specifically focus on aspect formation as formation of aspect pairs should be mastered in practice. There is a well-known proposition that one should master the grammatical system of a foreign language comparing it with forms and categories of his or her mother tongue. While it is impossible to compare all forms of Russian verbal aspects with all such forms in the Turkmen language, the article contains both contrastive schemes and examples of drills to train speech habit of using forms of verbal aspects.


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How to Cite
Іванова, Т. А., & Курилюк, Т. І. (2017). About the methods of overcoming the difficulties in learning verbal aspects by Turkmen students. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (29), 35-44. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/language_teaching/article/view/8101