Active methods of forming the communicative competence of foreign students of technical specialities.

  • О. В. Бєлікова
  • Н. М. Бессонова
  • О. О. Греул
  • С. О. Дитюк
  • Л. В. Скрипник
  • Н. Г. Черногорська
Keywords: communicative competence, communicative approach, concept of competence, foreign students, role-playing game.


The article represents foreign students’ communicative competence formation. The concept of competence and role of the Russian (Ukrainian) language as a foreign one in the communicative competence development of foreign students of technical specialities have been investigated. Contradictions and problems which arise in the process of forming students’ communicative competence have been analyzed. The communicative approach in the process of learning the Russian (Ukrainian) language as a foreign one taking into account a role-playing game as a teaching method of study has been grounded in the article.

Nowadays a competence approach has special attention in the higher education system because of its value in defining goals and results of education. The competence approach is associated with the search of new conceptual and methodological bases, models of training specialists with the higher technical education. One of the most actual missions in such conditions is finding key competences for a modern specialist.

The concept of competence and role of the Russian (Ukrainian) language as a foreign one in students’ communicative competence development have been studied, and also the contradictions and problems arising in the course of competence have been analyzed in the article. According to scientists, the development of higher education domestic standards, creation of unified international professional standards on the basis of a competence-based approach and urgent educational programs, which are based on the reflection of qualitative results of educational and production processes, will provide their compliance to the European educational and qualification systems as well as strengthening of positions of the higher education of Ukraine in the all-European educational and research space.

The topicality of the current scientific search consists of the structure and content improvement of the professionally-oriented training at higher technical institutions. The level of development of foreign students’ professionally-oriented training content is rather high. A research objective is search of optimum ways of the professional competence improvement which an intending specialist is supposed to have.


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How to Cite
Бєлікова, О. В., Бессонова, Н. М., Греул, О. О., Дитюк, С. О., Скрипник, Л. В., & Черногорська, Н. Г. (2017). Active methods of forming the communicative competence of foreign students of technical specialities. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (29), 17-26. Retrieved from