Methodological approach to assess trade and economic relations between Ukraine and Canada

Keywords: Ukrainian-Canadian relations, trade and economic relations, foreign economic strategy, forecasting, assessment of development level, strategic prospects


The author analyzes the regulatory and legal framework of international economic relations between Ukraine and Canada. The trade and economic component of the Ukrainian-Canadian relations is investigated and its current state is determined. The main methodological approaches to assess the level of trade and economic relations between the countries studied are examined. A methodical approach to assessing trade and economic relations between Ukraine and Canada in the aspect of Ukraine's foreign economic strategy is developed. Three main stages are identified: analysis of trade and economic relations between Ukraine and Canada; The formation of priorities for the development of trade and economic relations between Ukraine and Canada and the formation of strategic prospects for the development of trade and economic relations between Ukraine and Canada in the context of Ukraine's foreign economic strategy. The peculiarity of the developed methodical approach is the presence of feedback between its stages. This makes it possible to adjust the expected results, depending on the choice of the main components of the assessment of Ukrainian-Canadian trade and economic relations


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How to Cite
Sidorov, M. (2017). Methodological approach to assess trade and economic relations between Ukraine and Canada. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (6), 71-76. Retrieved from