Franchising as an effective form of management in hotel industry

Keywords: franchising, franchise agreement, hotel chains


The paper studies the creation and development of the hotel business in a franchise agreement. The authors review the history and successful experience of the use of franchising in different countries, including the US, Canada, Japan, South Korea and Brazil. The experience of these countries shows that franchising is a form of business, which in practice has proven to be highly effective as a general in the provision of services and in the hotel industry in particular. The authors carry out comparative analyse of the enterprise and independent hotel operating chains (networks) and noted that allows hotel chains to advance into the world market of hotel services high service standards as well as contribute to the maintenance of hotel service tourists. Also the article examines experience of international hotel chains owned by the US: chain of luxury such as «Hyatt», «Hilton», «West Inn» and chain class – «Holiday Inn», «Marriott», «Ramada» . Also the activity «ACCOR», «Club Meditrans» (France), «Transthouse Fort» (the United Kingdom), «Salt Group» (Spain).

The article stidies features and benefits of the operation of hotel chains, operating on a franchise agreement; it concludes that the system of hotel enterprises promotes competitiveness and the creation of a number of advantages that enable hotels to improve the quality of hotel services and adhere to high standards of quality hotel services provided; the article diversifies services


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How to Cite
Danko, N., & Novikova, V. (1). Franchising as an effective form of management in hotel industry. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: International Relations. Economics. Country Studies. Tourism, (5), 138-141. Retrieved from