Railway construction as a factor activation of labour mobility in the British African colonies (late XIX – earl XX century)

  • В. В. Долід
Keywords: colonialism, railway imperialism, forced labour, labour mobility, migration.


The subject of analysis is the imperial railway construction and its impact on labour
mobility in the African colonies of Great Britain on the border of the XIX–XX century. This article investigates territorial, interdisciplinary and status mobility. The theme is disclosed on the example of Nigeria, Uganda, and the Republic of Natal.


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Author Biography

В. В. Долід


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How to Cite
Долід, В. В. (2015). Railway construction as a factor activation of labour mobility in the British African colonies (late XIX – earl XX century). The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: History, (50), 259-266. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/history/article/view/1563