On the question of criticism of numismatic sources (on example study of the finds of ancient coins in the territory of the Eastern European Barbaricum)

  • К. В. Мизгін
Keywords: ancient coins, numismatic sources, source criticism, reliability of the information.


The article is devoted to the methodological aspects of working with information
of the findings of ancient coins on the territory of Eastern European Barbaricum. The author proposes the use of four categories of reliability of the information, each of which is associated with a certain level of illumination or to research a particular source:reliable, sup positive reliable, small reliable and unreliable findings. The combination of the first three categories are most researchers closer to the display of the real picture of distribution of ancient coins in antiquity.


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Author Biography

К. В. Мизгін


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How to Cite
Мизгін, К. В. (2015). On the question of criticism of numismatic sources (on example study of the finds of ancient coins in the territory of the Eastern European Barbaricum). The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: History, (50), 179-189. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/history/article/view/1555