Tourist and economic potential of the Carpathian region as a dominant component of its effective usage

  • Г. В. Машіка Mykachevo State University
Keywords: economic potential, “green tourism”, rural tourism, recreation, hotel and restaurant business, tourist flows, socio-economic development


Formulation of the problem. This article is devoted to the study of the Carpathian region s touristic and economic potential as a dominant component of its effective usage, which is accordant to its purpose. It has been discovered that the peculiarity of the economic potential of the region is interdependence and interrelationship of components in its local potentials. Synergetic effect, which appears along with it, stipulates the mutual enhancement of local potentials and development of the economic potential of the region in
The purpose of the article. To clarify the peculiarities of the tourist and economic potential of the Carpathian region as the dominant components of its effective usage.
Methods. The author s own achievements as well as empirical method of research, mainly observation and analysis in compound with statistical method of research.
Results. To reach this purpose, the following objectives have been examined in this article: to characterize the regions, which are part of the Carpathian region, i.e.Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi regions; to describe the tourist and recreational resources of the Carpathian region; to show the dynamics of touristic facilities in the Carpathian region during 2006-2015; build up the model of tourism influence on socio-economic development of the Carpathian region; to figure out the main ways of the Carpathian region s development; to work out the ways to increase the effective usage of tourist and recreational potential of the Carpathian region; to suggest the type of tourism that is “green”, which is especially important for the development of the economic potential of the Carpathian region; to outline the development and hindering factors of the tourist and economic potential of the Carpathian region; to reveal the main preconditions and reasons, which make the development of the rural tourism in the Carpathian region of pri-ority.
Scientific novelty and practical significance. As a result of the conducted research, it has been established that the main task of public institutions in Ukraine and in the parts of the Carpathian region in regulating and managing the tourist and recreational complex today is to establish a favourable market environment for socially effective, economically beneficial and ecologically reasonable development of the tourist business. The author has discovered that tourism, in particular the “green”, is aimed at developing settlements with weak production and where there are no other sources of budget income and increase of social state of population. If the state policy towards “green tourism is effective, the Ukrainian village will be able to function and develop, which is the main priority of socio-economic development. The conducted research has made it possible to conclude that the tourist and economic potential of the Carpathian region is really the dominant component in the effective use of this region. It is stipulated by natural wealth of the Carpathian region, peculiarities of its location and significant human potential which is the tourist and economic component to be developed as it can become the basis of the economic potential of the Carpathian region.


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Author Biography

Г. В. Машіка, Mykachevo State University
PhD (Geography), Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Машіка, Г. В. (2017). Tourist and economic potential of the Carpathian region as a dominant component of its effective usage. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Geology. Geography. Ecology", (46), 113-121. Retrieved from