Mythical allegories of fear (a psychoanalytic aspect)

  • Mariia Moklytsia Lesia Ukrainka East European National University
Keywords: fear, myth, allegory, allegorical code, psychoanalysis


Myths of all nations filled with images of scary creatures. Historians of religion, ethnologists, experts myths explain them differently, mainly when they come together in mind that all together they certify man's fear of the gods. But this does not explain the fact that a wide variety of creepy creatures, each intricate mythology is inexhaustible and inexplicably ugly. It is proposed to take a look at the most famous monsters of Greek mythology in aspect of psychoanalytic combined with allegorical approach, since it is an allegory includes powerful resource codification mental states. Fears rights embodied in the mythical monsters and populate the world. Tree-headed Cerberus (later three-headed dragon in fairy tales) and Medusa Gorgon is the brightest in Greek mythology, allegory fear of death. Fears rights embodied in the mythical monsters and populate the world. Three-headed Cerberus (later three-headed dragon in fairy tales) and Medusa Gorgon is the brightest in Greek mythology, allegory fear of death. Fear of death is the fear of the underworld in the image of Cerberus, he exposed the relative control and can even be overcome. The horror of death which suddenly embraces man and kills her in the image of Medusa Gorgon. Allegory of the fear of death and horror of death - various images that cause different themes. Complex movements of the inner life of people have learned to understand and analyze only the new time, but even in mythical times of mankind were put into allegorical codes that are interpreted each time differently.


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Author Biography

Mariia Moklytsia, Lesia Ukrainka East European National University
Doctor of  Philology, Full Professor, Head of the Department of the Theory of Literature and Foreign Literature at Lesia Ukrainka East European National University


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How to Cite
Moklytsia, M. (2017). Mythical allegories of fear (a psychoanalytic aspect). Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology, 1(1), 50-58.